Chapter 20

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Stiles POV

I'm putting on my navy blue t-shirt, black varsity jacket and blue jeans and white low top vans. And my dad comes walking to the door.

Dad- "Your moms off to find a job here in Beacon Hills in order to stay with you... If you don't wanna go to school you don't have to, I understand--"

S- "No I wanna go to school, just because I broke up with Derek doesn't mean I'll stop going to school"

My dad gives me a small smile and walks out the door.

I grab my backpack and head out too, I had to re-wrap my arm this morning. The doctor says try to at least clean and re-wrap it once every week.

I'll be like this for about 2 months or so, they were pretty nasty, deep cuts.

I'm on my way to school and I get a call from Scott..

Scott- "Hey Stiles, Kira got out of the hospital last night and she's back in school.. That's one less problem we have to worry about"

St- "Yeah I know, your mom told me.."
Sc- "Really, how? Did you go try to check on her there?"
St- "I was there for me, I got hurt.. Look, I'm almost to school I'll show you in economics"

Me, Scott, Lydia and Kira are all walking inside and we get to our seats.

Scott in front of me, Lydia next to me and Kira next to Scott.

St- "I got scratched up pretty badly, so I had to get about 100 stitches.. It still hurts"

Lyd- "How? What happened, were you attacked?"
St- "Sort of... It was Derek, he clawed me while fighting Malia in my room"
Sc- "Why were they fighting?"
St- "Because I wouldn't give them a dog treat.. Why do you think they were fighting, she was jealous"

I remove my jacket to reveal arm bandage and they lean closer and look at it in worry, I put my jacket back on.

Kira- "Oh gosh, Stiles it looks really bad.. That bandage nearly covers up your whole arm.. What did Derek do?"

I lose my breath at the mention of his name, like I was about to pass out.

St- "He tried to help, but my mom told him that he was too dangerous"

Sc- "Your mom knows.. What did you tell her?"

St- "I didn't, my dad did and she's not that shocked Beacon Hills is a pretty strange place"

Lyd- "Is Derek okay? Did you go to check on him?"

I look down then at my arm and I go to speak.

St- "I did, but he said he was leaving.. So we broke up"

They look between each other and don't know what to say, but then Kira starts to talk.

Kira- "We're so sorry Stiles.. We shouldn't have asked about him--"
St- "No it's fine, really I'm okay"
Sc- "Well when did he say he was leaving?"
St- "Tonight, he thinks he's too dangerous for us to be together"
Lyd- "It's okay Stiles, hopefully things will come through"
St- "Thanks guys, I'm fine really.."

We all face forward in our seats and coach walks in and stands in the front of the class.

Coach- "Listen you hormonal, tight-skinned adolescents.. All projects have been cancelled due to one of our best teachers getting into a horrific car accident"

Everyone in the class cheers and coach tells them to settle down. Then he calls me up to recap the reading that we all had to do last week.

I walk up to the podium and try to read, but my vision goes blurry.

I start to clench tight onto the sides of the podium, so that I can keep myself from falling over. My eyes feel like they're rolling into the back of my head.

Coach- "What is wrong with you Stilinski? Read!"

I try to tell him that I can't but no words come out, I can't speak. I start to lose my breath, but I breath heavy, so that I don't pass out.

I look up and all of classmates are looking at me, staring, talking like I'm a freak.

Then I look at Scott and he gets and come towards me, my vision is still blurred and I can't speak, I'm starting to lose my balance.

Sc- "Stiles are you okay? Listen to me, listen.."

He grabs ahold to my shoulders and starts walking me to the door.

Sc- "I'm going to take him to the nurses office.."

We get to locker room and I'm tumbling all over the place, Scott is trying to keep my still.

I grab onto the sink and look into the mirror, Scott is trying to call me out of it.

I drop onto the floor and just sit there, Scott kneels down in front of me.

Sc- "Stiles come on, count with me.. It's the only way I'll get you to snap out of this"

One... Two... Four..

St- "I- I can't.. I can't Scott.."
Sc- "Just try again.."

One.. Two... Th-Three... Four.. Five, Six.. Seven... Eight.. Ni-Nine.... Ten

I break out and I can see clearly now, Scott looks at me and sits down in front of me, calm.

Sc- "Are you sure you're okay? You just told us that you broke up with Derek and he's leaving.. Stiles, you can tell me if somethings bothering you and I know Derek leaving something.."

I look Scott dead in the eyes and he sighs.

St- "He said he wouldn't leave.."

Sc- "Don't worry, I won't let him.."

I look at him with an assuring smile, but I'm not too sure that it assured me. Derek can't leave, I need him.

St- "I tried to kill myself two days ago, when I was at the hospital"

Scott looks back at me, scared, he's scared for me and I can tell just by the look on his face.

Sc- "Stiles.. You know we're here for you when you need us, we would never leave you.."
St- "I'm not so sure I believe that anymore"
Sc- "We won't, I promise.. We'll be right there by your side whenever you need us to be.."
St- "Okay, I believe you.. But I can't say trust it quite yet.."
Sc- "You don't have to, because even when you don't.. We will"

I nod giving him the 'I trust you' look and we leave, he puts his arm around me and I look at him with small smile to let him know I'm okay.

I wish I could believe Scott right now, I really do. But I haven't shown that yet, so it's getting hard for me to do that.

When I need Scott he comes to my aid, and he's been doing so, so far. So I hope that it'll come quicker than I expect it to.

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