Chapter 6

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Stiles POV

We are all at the Argent house and are about to sit down at the table and have dinner. I'm a little worried, but hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Everyone is here. My dad. Mellissa, Kate, and even Malia. Everyone else is also here, but I'm not surprised that Scott didn't invite Derek.

Derek Hale,werewolf, at the Argent house, werewolf hunters. But at least they trust Scott, Derek is still growing on them but it's getting better.

We all go and sit down at the table, I get a little nervous and Scott looks at me.

He whispers to me "It's going to be okay Stiles, just tell them whenever your ready"

We all get our share of food then begin to eat, Kate starts a conversation.

"So how are things in school? Doesn't have to be school specific.. but friendships, relationships or even breakups, I wanna hear all the gossip!"

I kinda choke on my food when Kate says 'breakup' and kinda glance at Malia, who doesn't even pay it any mind.

"Um, nothing really things have been the same pretty much.. Nothing exciting really..." Lydia says and everyone nods their head in agreement. But then I come in.

"Uh.. Things have been a little different, like.. Malia and I broke up, but we're okay... I think it's safe to say that we should move on and not settle in the past.." I say and sigh with relief that at least one thing went by smoothly, this was going good so far until...

"Oh yeah, I bet, you moved on pretty fast... Did you even tell your dad Stiles?.." Malia charges in and ruins everything, this is turning into a train wreck.

"Tell me what, what didn't you tell me Stiles?.." My dad looks at me intently and leans in to hear my answer.

"...I'm gay"

All of the adults faces switch to a shocked and stunned expression. I should've known they would have that reaction.

But my dads face turns red with anger. Oh no, I already know what about to go down. Scott needs to help me.. Like now!!

"You are not gay.. My son is not gay. You don't like boys!!" He gets up and starts pacing back and forth in deep thought.

I get up as well.

"Dad, just listen.. this is definitely not how I wanted you to figure out, I wanted to tell you myself when we were alone. But I was looking for the right time.."

He doesn't even look at me, but he responds...

"Stiles, tell me this.. How and when did you find out that you were gay..?"

I look at feet and move around a little. I really don't think this is the time that I should be telling him this now. Especially in this type of situation, but he needs to know.

"I'll tell you who.. It's Derek, I'm kinda with him now.."

Now everyone stops and just stares at me in shock. Malia gets up and starts shedding tears all over the place and storms out the room.

"What did you just say??" My dad leans in to check if he heard me right.

"You heard it right, Derek Hale is the guy, there's nothing else for me to say..."

"Uh there's a lot for you to say.. call Derek, call him right now. I wanna resolve this"

I hesitated and then obeyed my dad and called Derek. It rang two times and then he picked up.

D: "Hey Stiles, what's up.. aren't you having dinner at Allison's house, what's wrong..?"

S: "Nothing.. Well not exactly, but I need you to come over here, now.."

D: "Okay, I'm on my way"

He sounds kinda confused and worried, but he hangs up and gets here within 6 minutes.

We all here a knock on the door and I hesitate to open it, but then I oblige.

Derek walks in and my dad stares Derek up and down.

"What's going on Stiles..?"

"They know about us..."

He looks at everyone faces and then looks at me, but in worry. My dad scowls at Derek and starts talking.

"So, Mr. Hale.. you've been screwing my son? What's going on here?"

"No sir.. We haven't done anything, not at all.."

"Well that's a relief, because knowing Derek Hale, I'm highly surprised.. But your dating my son?"

"Yes sir, that's true.. I told Stiles that he should tell you but I didn't think it would be in this way.."

My dad starts pacing back and forth again.

"Look dad, I know what your thinking and Derek would never hurt me, ever. You don't have to worry about that.."

He cuts me off.

"It's not that, it's because I didn't think that my son could be gay.?"

"Dad your just going to have except it..."

"And I will learn to, but it's just kind of a surprise I guess.. And the fact that it's Derek Hale is another"

"Thanks dad!"

"Welcome kiddo!" We hug and tell each other that we love each other.

All of our faces go back to normal and Derek goes to walk out the door. But my dad stops him.

"No, you should stay and have dinner with us, plus I bet Stiles wants you here to hold his hand.."

My face turns red from embarrassment.

"Dad! Stop, please stop.. Your making this weird!"

Everyone starts laughing and we go sit down, even the Argents are comfortable with Derek being here. He sits next to me and grabs my hand and locks our fingers.

We all start talking.

"So, Stiles and Derek.. Have you had sex yet? Seen each other naked yet? Or even kissed?"

Kate just barges in with questions that me and Derek don't surely know how to answer. We look at each other and back at Kate.

"Well.. No, Derek won't. Kinda. And yes, most definitely!" I answer all of her questions in the best way possible.

"What do you mean 'kinda', have you seen each other naked?" Allison asks.

"Well I only saw his upper body, I'm not gonna tell you the full story for that one.." I chuckle and look at Derek.

"Don't worry we'll find out sooner or later.."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. We laugh and get back to basic, normal conversation.

Tonight was very eventful, but it went pretty well.

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