Chapter 12

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Stiles POV

We all sit here and share confused looks between each other.

"Stiles, so what I just witnessed.. does this mean your gay?!" My mom asks, out of all the obvious questions. Wow, she must be having a hard time grasping the situation here.

".. Uh umm, yeah? Look mom this is definitely not how I wanted you find out... I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find the right time..."

"Oh but you could find the right time to have sex on the couch in my house!!"

Wow she's angrier than I thought. SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!

What am I going to do?

"Mr. Derek Hale? How old are you?... How many times have you screwed my son? Huh?"

"Woah mom, one question at a time..!" She shoots a glare at me that immediately shuts me up.

"Um- I am... 26 years old... And--"

Her eyes widen in shock..

"What! 26.. Stiles why are you having intimate relations with a 26 year old grown man!! I'm calling your father and telling him to come home right now!!!"

As she turns to call my dad I turn and walk closer to Derek. He looks at me in worry.

I whisper.. "Derek, this is probably the worst time this could have happened..."

"I know, but we have to get her to see that it's not as bad as she thinks.."

I shot my eyes to him and scowl like he's he stupidest person in the entire world.

"Really! It's obviously as bad as she thinks.. A 16 year old boy- son of the sheriff- is having sex with a 26 year old man- alleged killer- Derek Hale.."

"Look I know, but at least our advantage is that your dad already knows about us"

"Yeah, but my mom doesn't know that.. When she finds out that he already knew she's really gonna be pissed... You think she's mad now.."

My mom snaps back around and notices Derek and  I standing so close.

"Separate! Stiles you stay over there.. You?! Come over here and sit down at the table!"

Derek immediately races over to the table.


My dad busts in the door and notices the tension in the air. He looks between me and Derek.

"I just witnessed our son making out with this grown ass man on the couch.. with his shirt off!"

A disappointed look spreads across my dads face, he looks down and then steps over to my mom.

"Look honey, I know all about that.. Trust me they've  done worse when you were gone"

What! Why would he just say that! He just told her everything I didn't want her know!

Now she's ready to charge at Derek, I can see it in face.

Now I'm mildly sweating and running my hands through my hair like crazy.

"Okay, so me and Derek did have sex- but ONCE! ONLY ONCE! Mom, you don't have to be upset.."

"Upset! Oh I'm far pass upset, I'm FURIOUS! You have been screwing a grown man! He should be in jail! John why isn't he in jail!!"

My dad is trying his very best to hold her back. I gesture for Derek to come to me. He looks at my dad and my dad gives him permission to come to my aid.

"What are we going to do.. She's now knows I'm gay and now she knows we've been screwing, there is literally nothing I can find to say to clear this up a little"

"We obviously have to tell her the truth about our relationship, before we got together.. Maybe not the supernatural part, but you know what I mean..."

I look toward my parents and sigh in frustration.

"Okay, OKAY!" We step towards my mom and dad. Fear spread all across my face.

"Mom, dad.. Can we please sit down and talk about this.. rationally"


Now we're all sitting at the table looking at each other, waiting for someone to say something.

Derek and I are sitting next to each other while my mom and dad are sitting across from us.

I start...

"Okay, everything you just heard is true.. So before Derek and I got together, things weren't really working out between me and Malia... but then I realized I felt different about my feelings, that I was gay and Derek came to view and I noticed that I was gay for him..."

I try to focus my eyes on something, but I can't find myself to do so. Thinking about the breakup and everything Derek's done for me up until now.

I really care for Derek.

Just as I was bringing my self to say something, I was startled at the ringing of my phone.. Scott?

I look at my parents, but by the time I looked back at the phone he hung up, so he texted me instead.

Scott: Stiles, get Derek and come to the hospital NOW!!

I look at the text confused.. What could've happened? Does it have to do with something supernatural? Probably.. OBVIOUSLY!!

"Mom, dad I have to go, Scott just texted me.. I forgot we had a study group together tonight. Derek you should go home.. I'll see you guys later"

I get and try to rush out the door as fast as I can. My dad holds my mom back and tells her that she has been through enough today, so she just needs to get some rest.

Derek and I are now inside the jeep.

"What happened? Did Scott really text you?!"

"Yeah, he wants us to go to the hospital.. I think something happened.."


We arrive at the hospital and are rushing in. We see Melissa and she rushes us both to the room.

Derek and I get inside the room, and see Kira in the hospital bed.

My eyes widen. What the hell happened?!!

Scott and Lydia are standing around the bed, holding the hands of an unconscious Kira.

Derek immediately rushes over to Scott...

"What the hell happened to her Scott? Was she attacked wha--?"

"I don't know, she was on her way to my house.. And when I noticed that she was taking way too long to get there, I went to see why... And I came across her car on the side of the road then I saw her laying out on the ground... As soon as I got to her I noticed something.. Something weird-- I think it's better if I show you"

Just then Scott moves Kira's hair from the side of her neck and an S shaped symbol was marked on her neck like an embroidery.

All of this is SUPER weird.. What is going on? Does this have to do with the Adelet...

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