Chapter 15

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Stiles POV

We get to school and are on our way inside the building.

Scott- "Lydia, you thought that was bad.. I caught Stiles giving Derek a handjob in the back of his jeep!"

Lydia and Isaac look at each other as we each our lockers. They pretend like their throwing up.

Lydia- "Stiles! Isaac and I had to sit in the back.. Come on!! Really? Do you guys gotta have crazy, rampant sex everywhere!!!"

I drop my head and it hits my locker. I look at Scott in embarrassment.

"Really Scott, why would you tell them that.. Things are hard enough for me already..."

Isaac- "Yeah, like Derek's dick.."

I turn around and scowl at them, and they all laugh at my frustration.


Math is probably the most boring subject ever, but it's a good thing I'm good at it.

Malia wasn't too great at it, in fact she was probably the worst when it came to anything that involved numbers.

Anyway, I gotta get out of this tetchy thing going on with Derek.

Everyone keeps catching us half-naked doing stuff that leads to something they definitely don't wanna see.


The school day went by remarkably fast and now I have lacrosse practice.

I decided to stay until our practice officially started. Everyone starts coming at around 5:00. It's about 3:40 now.

I'm just chilling in the locker room finishing up some homework.

I pause when I hear a weird noise come from the showers. I get up to go see what it was.

Relief flushes over me when I see its Derek.

"What are you doing? You almost scared me half to death.."

I scan his face to figure out his emotions, but he immediately paces forward towards me.

Derek smashes his lips into mine, the steam from the showers instantly has me sweating. And Derek being pressed up against me isn't really helping.

He kisses me harder and slams me up against the wall, I moan into his mouth.

Derek then grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. Being restrained by him is exhilarating, he moves to my neck and bites down hard.

Good thing his fangs aren't out. I know it's going to leave a PRETTY OBVIOUS mark, but I really don't fucking care.

Derek lets go of my wrists and I see that he left red bruises on them. He must have been squeezing pretty hard.

Unfortunately I didn't notice, but he goes back to kissing me and I grip the bottom of his shirt.

Derek grabs ahold to the side stitch of my pants and pulls me close, he then slides his hand up my shirt.

He rubs up and down my chest, Derek lowers his hand and grips my side. Just at that moment I can feel the tips of his claws brushing against my skin.

Derek digs his nails in a little on my back side and drags the tips of his nails across my side.

I break away from the kiss to see exactly what he's doing.

"Derek.. What're you?--" I'm cut by him pressing me harder against the wall. He looks me dead in the eyes with a menacing glare.

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