• a d v e r s a r y

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Hopkins opened the window and smiled when the fresh air hit his lungs. The smoke of Holt's fire followed them all the way back to the laboratory, but they were quick enough to dribble the flames and escape.

In the lab, Hopkins leaned on the exterior window sill, looking to the outside.

Everything is burning, holy shit. He came back to Clark, his chest heaving. "Okay. We can go out through the window, climb the rooftops and jump around the building until we find a lower place to get down. Now that this son of a bitch have what he needs, he'll... Clark?"

She was mortified at the center of the lab, her green eyes wide open and forehead dotted with sweat. Clark's chest was moving, up and down, and she was breathing so heavily that the sound was muting the shouts from Holt's men. "I can't."

Oh, shit. Hopkins had forgotten Clark's height phobia, the only adversary he couldn't help her beat. She clenched her fists and looked at the window, puckering her lips. He approached, holding her by the shoulders. Smoke came through the lab's door and Hopkins swallowed dry.

"We're gonna die if we stay here," he said, but didn't get any answer. With trembling fingers, Hopkins shook Clark, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Listen. I'm gonna go out and pull you up. You just need to sit on the window sill, and..."

"Liam," she replied, her lips completely dry. "I. Can't. Jesus Christ, the building is on fucking fire and we have no equipment."

"I'm not leaving without you, Liz," he asserted. The smoke was taking the lab when Hopkins gazed into her eyes. "You're Elizabeth Clark. You almost lost an eye this week. This will be... as easy as pie.

"Will you hold me?"Clark asked after a short silence.

He smiled, nodding. "Trust me."

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