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Hopkins heaved, running up the stairs and ducking when bullets sang over their heads. Clark was behind, shooting the rifle, keeping the thugs away. At the top of the stairs, they made a quick turn to the right, entering another circled crypt full of columns. When Spankin' grunted, Hopkins felt his heart ache and accepted that it was all over.

The crypt had a visible second floor, like a mezzanine, with coffins resting in holes on the wall, leading to a stone tunnel. There was just one problem: the stairs that should lead up there, to the salvation tunnel, to the exit, was destroyed. Hopkins touched the broken stones on the floor and looked up. It was too damn high for a boost.

"Come on, darlings. I'm running out of ammo!" Clark hissed, shouting through a hole in the wooden door. Her dress was ripped, and Hopkins noticed scratched on her arms. "What's the problem?!"

"Broken staircase," Spankin' said, twitching the corners of her mouth. "But it's the right way. Those fucking bats didn't born here. Ok, Liam. Give me a boost."

"I can't fucking boost you," Hopkins frowned. The girl was crazy. Clark pushed the door with her shoulder, trying to contain the thugs outside. "It's too damn high and you'll break your fucking neck!"

"Step on the stones. I'll run to you, and you," Spankin' swallowed hard, looking up then at him, "you throw me up. Like Cap America did with Black Widow, but without the shield."

He got that reference.

"I don't know who the fuck these people are, but do as the girl says, Hopkins!" Clark yelled, still holding the door. Men shouted outside, slamming on the wood.

Why does everything have to be so damn hard? He stepped on the stones and waited for her. Spankin' took a breath and ran to him, her Converse squeaking against the floor. Hopkins impelled her body and before he could regret that decision, she was on the second floor. Her brown hair was a mess, her face was full of dust, but she was smiling.

"I'll be back soon."

Spankin' disappeared in the tunnel. Please, don't die. He turned around and Clark, who was still holding the door, took a step back with a furious grunt. Two thugs fell on the floor because of the impulse. She kicked the face of the first, and Hopkins choked the second from behind.

In a hurry, after taking the men's weapon, they closed the door again. Steps. Hopkins heard, loud and clear, the sound of boots against the stone. In silence, leaning against the door, he swallowed hard.

"If we die here," Hopkins started, feeling the pistol shake in his hands. "I want you to know that I—"

"Don't give up yet, my love. We're not ready to die." She chuckled. Clark's beautiful green eyes sparkled with determination, strength. "Trigger your pistol. It's only over when I say so, Liam."

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