Chapter 1

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It was clear that the nindroid was happy about something and everyone wondered why. So Zane told them of who he met. He was walking through the woods to see if he could find his hawk friend. But instead bumped into another robot like himself. Her name was P.I.X.I.L.E. and immediately felt like he was meant for her. And so they got to know each other better until it was rare to see them apart.

  Zane and P.I.X.E.L. were in the same woods where they met. P.I.X.I.L.E. wanted to show him something and it was only for him. As she lead him through the wood she came to a stop.Wondering what was happening he open his eyes to see her take parts of his mechanical parts from him. Also the information on the ninja was taken away from him and the feelings he felt for her suddenly disappeared . He woke up to see he was in his room. It was just a dream but it felt so real....then he noticed a note saying that P.I.X.E.L had broke up with Zane. That broke his mechanical heart.

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