xv; vibrant cities

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xv; vibrant cities

It was the middle of the night, and Dan was on the rooftop of his apartment building, looking around. He could see the whole city, vibrant, buzzing and alive. It was almost poetically beautiful, made his heart speed up a little bit when he got close to the building's edge, and he paused to look around. He was curious now, too curious about the leader of all these crimes, the one that pretty much ran the whole town.

The Devil of London.

He wanted to see that he was a man, truly, wanted to find the crime lord in a position deemed vulnerable, where it was noticeable that even The Devil could have feelings that weren't giddiness or anger.

He doubted, with most of his being, that he'd ever see it. 

There weren't even footsteps behind him, but when he turned, he was face to face with a man. He had one of those masks pulled up to cover his nose and mouth, shaded orange kind of goggles over his eyes, and armour over what seemed to be plain black clothes. Dual swords were strapped to his back, and from what Dan could see, dual guns hung from his belt too.

"Holy shit." Dan whispered, covered his hand over his mouth, and took a step backwards. The man hadn't even moved, but when Dan felt himself hit the edge of the building, felt that small minuscule rush of air before he knew he would start falling into the road-A hand latched onto his wrist.

In a distorted voice, the man said, "You need to stop looking." It wasn't his own, so utterly robotic even Dan knew it couldn't be real, but it worked to hide whoever it was under the mask's identity.

"For what?" Dan asked, and the man was retreating once Dan was carefully away from the edge. He was by the other side of the building, towering from the danger Dan was almost in, and reaching for something that Dan had mistaken for a gun. 

The man turned his head over his shoulder, glanced to Dan, and raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?" He questioned, in that same distorted voice, "The Devil."

Dan exhaled, shakily, and rubbed his hands through his hair, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, the man had disappeared into the night, leaving Dan shaking and alone on the rooftop.

He didn't sleep that night, there was too much yelling and unexplained noises from the apartment next to him, from Phil's apartment.

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This whole chapter up to the arrows is 420 words, so I hope that settles my gift for the fact two days ago, it was 4/20

< 3

also hi

who do you think this masked man is?!

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