Chapter 2

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Levi pov

I saw him walking around getting what I supposed to be his dinner too. I walked up to the sandwich and snacks isle and just as I was looking for a sandwich he came down and stopped at the side of me and looked himself. Then he said ' Hello Miss Levi nice to see you this bright and early morning ' ' hello sir nice to see you too ' I replied but the truth is its not as I swear there's something weird about him there always has been since two years ago when I moved into collage. He had always looked at me weird and different from all of the other girls and he doesn't even do it to the female teachers. He always passed me in the corridors and when I was walking to my next lesson he would be stood where I was going to pass and I was always chosen to help out in school projects in which it was Mr Collins who was the teacher. And when we had to have photos as the group of the people In the project I swear he took one of me on my own when he was supposed to take a group one but he just said he was "practicing". Yeah right. Also one time when we where having a group meeting he sat next to me which made it really awkward and when he would be talking to the group he would just look at me and I hate it when people do that when I'm in a group and they only look at me as if they are just looking at me. It's just so weird how he acts different around me and treats me different kinda. Anyway he looked for a while and I just picked up a random sandwich then walked to the counter and paid. I walked out of the shop and began walking again and this time thankfully not being troubled by him. I still had another 10 minutes to walk to school. I carried on seeing Colins drive past me but I just ignored him and he carried on thank goodness. I wasn't in the mood to have him being too nice to me and especially as him being a male. At school I didn't have any friends as they all became the populars, I didn't want that and anyway people know not to mess with me. Or they will have something coming and it won't be nice. But you could consider me as a good girl as the teachers know I would only do something if I needed too so they would always let me off and the school knows about me on my own as it was spread around from the newspapers. I have 5 lessons everyday and they are all a hour each but sometimes I have double lessons so I have the same lesson for two hours straight. I had a double lesson with Mr Collins today he is my English teacher but he is also a deputy headteacher so he has a office too. He's a good teacher but apart from being too nice he's all good. I finally arrived at school and walked up the big main steps as you walk into the building up to the first floor where I had my first lesson which was English and we where studying Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet . I enjoy English and Shakespeare I find it all really interesting studying all the different parts of the text even though most people hate that kind of thing I love it.

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