Chapter 10

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Levi pov

I woke up the next morning and smelt pancakes I looked to see if Damain was still down here but he wasn't so I got up then got dressed and sorted for school and I also made sure I had everything in my bag and tidied up the beds and folded everything. Once i was ready I walked up the stairs to the kitchen where Damain was stood in a suit shirt and trousers with a cooking apron on and he was spring pancakes. How did he know I LOVE pancakes ? When I walked in I sat at the breakfast bar and out my bag down at the side. I was sat across from Damain and he just looked and smiled ' you look beautiful ' ' thanks ' I said blushing. Why was I blushing? 'Oh don't worry about your house in know someone that will have it fixed for tonight and don't worry about money ' 'oh ok thanks ' ' it's my pleasure in love to help a woman in need ' ' I'm not in need ' ' well you can't stay there when there is that ' ' what?' 'Oh nothing you will know more soon ' I just nodded and gave him a smile as he came up to me and handed me a plate of 3 pancakes with cut up strawberries and a bit of syrup. 'Thanks ' I said as I tucked in and he just smiled and got some himself then sat at the side of me. 'You know you don't have to be so awkward around me ' ' what ? Me no ' I said but I was stopped as he put his hand on my knee and when he realised he took it off and said ' sorry ' and looked away and we both ate in a very uncomfortable silence. Once we were both done I began to get ready to set off 'hey I can drop you off I'm going in five minutes ' I nodded while he rushed around the house getting things. 'You didn't have to sort everything ' 'it's only small compared to you letting me stay over' he just smiled and then we walked to his car and began to drive to school. After a few moments he was outside the school gate and then he dropped me off I said thanks then he drove to the teachers car park. I walked into school and I had 3 lessons i had maths for two hours , science and then Physical Education for another two hours or PE for short. I walked straight to my first lesson with about two minutes to spare.

The first three lessons went by slowly and it was really boring. I finally had PE I like PE but I don't like the class I'm in. I walked into the changing rooms and went to a corner to get changed as I don't really like people looking. Once I got changed i walked into the sports hall and we had trampolining so I went and got in the small group of 7 that I was placed in for enough spotters and one to be on the trampoline . I did the warm up and then we all took it in turns too. Then we did a small routine that we had been practicing then after we all had done that it came to leaning the back drop to back drop in began buy doing one then I stopped and turned and did the other. Then I did one with a half turn and kept doing it like that until it was someone else's go so I jumped off knowing it was time to do it next. When it finally became my go in did the first one fine then as I was turning into heard everyone laughing and miss shout my name before I saw black and I couldn't hear anything.

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