Chapter 20

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Levi pov

After a hour laid cuddling we both decided to get up and get some food depending on what Josh had in and what he had I mind for dinner. As I tried getting up my legs died as of what happend this morning so Damain picked me up and carried me down the stairs to the living room. He then carried on to the kitchen and ask Josh 'what do you have in mind for dinner?' And to our surprised he was already making some. Damion then came back into where I was and sat across from me then turned the TV on. Not long after Josh shouted us into the kitchen and handed us some food we all ate together then we began chatting about me and Damian. After Josh had washed up we all went into the living room and watched a film Josh was that across from me and Damian as I was cuddled up to him. We watched it action film it was mostly for the boys I wasn't bothered I got bored halfway through and do me and noticed that then he carried me up to our room and placed me into our bed. He laid with me for a bit then went back downstairs to carry on the film with Josh. I like listening to some music for a bit before Damian came back. He laid beside me while I was staring at the ceiling listening to music after a while he asked me if I enjoyed being with him and I smiled then turned towards him ' of course well really we don't have a choice but I love you ' he replied by kissing me on the forehead. Even put his arm around me and we laid there for a while just looking at the ceiling in each other's company. Then Damien got up as it was getting late and got to ready to go and sleep somewhere else I stopped him by grabbing his arm and asked him what he was doing he replied but he was giving me some space I just pulled him back into the bed and cuddled up with him. After a while he looked down at me I looked up at him and moved so I kissed him then he laid on his side and carried on kissing me. He then asked me if I really wanted to I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then he began to kiss my neck and I felt a sharp pain go through my body. He then move his head and looked at me and said he was sorry.

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