Chapter 13

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Levi pov

'Are you ok ?' Sir said as I got up and off of him, ' sorry' I said handing him my homework and then rushing back to my seat. I sat the rest of the lesson just staring out of the window. I'm sure Mr Collins didn't mind as from earlier and it wasn't much of a lesson just him explaining homework that we just did. As the lesson ended everyone went out laughing and pointing at me and I just stayed in my seat waiting till everyone went as I didn't want the grief. I just stared out of the window and Damain walked to me and pulled a chair out from the desk in front and sat facing me. 'Hey are you ok ?' I just didn't respond what's going to happen now I have no one and I'm sure Damian won't want to be near me after what happened. 'Hey it was that girl who tripped you over it wasn't your fault ' ' you just don't get it though do you ?' I nearly shouted in tears standing up ' you won't want to be near me I embarrassed you and now I'm the laughing stock I won't hear the end of this as I don't have any family and no friends I have no one to be there for me they all left me to be stuck here and be laughed everyday!' I now had tears falling down my face and I picked my bag up and walked out. I didn't have anymore lessons so I went back to Damains place and let myself in as he had given me a key and I gathers the little stuff I had. I can't stay with him anymore even though how nice he has been I just can't keep putting up with this. I was still crying I had no one nobody, no one to be there when I was in pain , no one when I need someone to talk too, no one at all and the best part is was the loner at school and got picked on for it and I never hear the end of it as I have no one. As I was gathering my last few things Damain came in through the door. He put his keys and bag down then walked up to me with his arms open then I said ' I'm sorry no haven't I been enough of a embarrassment all ready to you ?' he just looked at me shocked I picked my stuff up and walked to the door. As I walked out he just stood there. I walked down to my house and I'm glad he got someone to fix the window but I couldn't stay with him any longer. I got inside and tidied everything up and put my little stuff I had away. I went and sat on the sofa that Damain sat on when he literally saved my life. Oh gosh I have got to stop thinking about him. I decided to watch some TV. I decided on watching one of Disneys films that was on so i settled down for the night. When it was near the end of the movie I heard a howl but I thought nothing of it. I carried of watching TV until I heard something break then that creeped me out but I wanted to ignore it and hope that it would go away. There was silence that made it even worse then I felt something with its head of the back of the sofa I didn't dare move in couldn't think of what it could be but what ever it was it wasn't nice.

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