Chapter 11

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Damain pov

I was walking around and I was about the PE department making sure everyone was in lessons when I heard a shout so I began to walk closer to the sports hall when a student came running shouting ' SIR SIR SIR WE NEED YOUR HELP !' I quickly ran into the hall to see the teacher on the floor beside a trampoline with a student laid down and she was holding her head trying to speak to her. As I walked closer I noticed it was Levi. 'Levi' I said running up to her I asked miss want happened and she explained it to me and then I took her head while miss called a ambulance and I picked her up bridal style and I told miss to carry on the lesson as I ran down the corridors and out of the school to the car park where the ambulance was. The medics took her on a stretcher and I decided to go with her as really I'm the only one she has. I was sat in the back of the ambulance and there was bleeps going, she had a oxygen mask on and the medic was checking her pulse and she gave her a injection. Once we got to the hospital she got put into a room and I sat beside her all the time. She was laid in a bed with a oxygen mask on with a heart monitor and other machines. The doctor came in and explained to me that she will be ok she just hit her head and blacked out and should wake up soon. He then unplugged all of the monitors but kept her oxygen mask on then walked out. I moved my chair closer and took her hand in mine and said ' please wake up there is so much I need to tell you but I can't and I will if I need to I just don't want to push you and it's something big that I can't just tell everyone' as I just finished she squeezed my hand and opened her eyes I smiled and so did she. I put my hand to the top of her head and began to moved my thumb back and forth to comfort her. 'It's ok you just hit your head ' she just nodded slightly and just looked at me. After a few moments of silence the doctor came in and I backed away slightly and he said that as she was awake and seemed fine she could go home but she had to have someone with her and that she might black out again. So I helped her and I left our stuff at school and I had my mate bring my car so I helped her to my car then we drove to school where I got her bag and my stuff and then we went home. We went back to my house and she said ' can I style with you for a bit ?' 'Yeah sure as long as you are ok ' she just smiled and she was so beautiful when she smiled. I helped her inside and sat her down on the couch and turned the TV on and then I walked to the car and got our stuff then I locked it and went back inside to put stuff away. After I was done I went and sat beside her and began to watch TV I put my arm on the back of the sofa and I felt Levi move around and I felt her lean on me. 'Thank you for today ' 'hey its ok you are ok now ' I said and my arm around her and rubbed it up and down on her arm as I put my head on hers and gave her a side hug.

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