Chapter 12

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Levi pov

After we just watched some TV then I went to bed as I was tired and Damian came with me and stayed by my side the whole time.

The next morning I woke up to Damain at the side of me looking at me. 'What?' 'Nothing I'll go make breakfast ' I nodded as he got up and walked to the kitchen and I got up and got dressed and made sure I was all ready for today once I was done I went into the living room and sat down then Damain went and got ready too. I was looking on my phone until Damain handed me a plate of eggs and bacon. I took it and ate up. He did the same. ' Thanks ' 'its ok. How old are you ?' '18' and he just nodded . Once we where both done Damian said ' if you need anything today come and find me ' I nodded then I got up and went and did the dishes. Once i was done then wee both went and got in the car and was on our way to school. I got dropped off at the gate again and Damian drove round. As I was walking into school there was laughs and giggles. I just ignored them at first then I went to my first lesson which was maths. I went and sat down in my seat then as everyone came in a supply teacher came in so that lesson it ended up as us working from text books then I had english with Damain. As I was walking to English the giggles continued but I ignored them. When I got to English I went and sat down and Mr Collins mouthed 'are you ok ?' I just nodded then he started the lesson. As the lesson was finishing people behind me started giggling then I got up then walked to Damian to ask him to go to his office as I had a break and as I walked out of the classroom some girls came up to me and said ' how good do you two look ? I mean he likes me more than you let's just face it and you will never be loved be someone as nice as that ' they said as Damain came out and said ' a problem ladies? ' as they twirled their hair around their fingers 'no sir ' they said girly then he motioned for them to move on. I was glad this was the last day of school as I was fed up and I only had another year of school which was manageable now as Damain has my back which I'm glad of. I walked to Damains office as I had a free lesson now and he let me so that with him. I was at first just doing some homework then he asked me to go to him. I went to him and then he showed me his computer screen which had a picture of The Black Wolf the legend isn't loved researching about. He told me that the pair of mates had to defeat the wolf before it left them alone and stuff. We just talked for a bit then I went to walk up to the classroom as I had another hour of English and Damian followed behind me. When I got to lesson i sat down then everyone else came in. As sir started collecting homework in and we had to hand it him so he could mark it down he started in register order and of course I was near the bottom as always then when it came to me I started walking up and a girl stuck her foot out and I dodged it but someone else did to and I went flying forward. I landed on something then as I realised the whole class was already in giggles.

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