Chapter 8: Family's Friends

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*(Y/N)-If you wondered what my eye color was last chapter it was pink. Pink is love.*

I was sitting in my bed on my phone, playing music. My 'mom' comes in and says "Were going to the park!"

I say "Why?"

She says "I'm going to see a old friend and you're going to play with there kids."

I say "Who is the friend?"

She says "Remember you're old childhood friends?"

I say "Umm...... a blond haired one, a brown haired one, a black haired one, and a little girl?"

She says "Yep!"

I say "Lets hope there not younger than me."

She says "Get ready!" She leaves the room and I walk over to my dresser. I open the dresser and I find an outfit:

I brush my hair and cut two holes in my hat for my horns

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I brush my hair and cut two holes in my hat for my horns. I put every thing on and I go down stares. Mom was already in the car. I run into the car and my mom starts driving. 

~Tinny Time Skip~

I walk down the path with my mom than I hear "AHHHH! WHATS UP!" I look over and I see Aphmau and two women. My mom runs over and they all group hug. I walk over and I sit next to Aphmau. I ask "Whats going on?" Garroth, Vylad, and Zane walk over. Garroth blushes when he sees. I ask "What is going on?"

My mom says "You don't remember your childhood friends?"

Vylad, Zane, Garroth, Aphmau, and me all say "WHAT!?" Our mom giggle and my mom pulls out a pic and shows all of us it.

Vylad, Zane, Garroth, Aphmau, and me all say "WHAT!?" Our mom giggle and my mom pulls out a pic and shows all of us it

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(The girl with the darker hair color is Aphmau. The boy in the middle is Garroth. The boy on the left is Zane. The boy on the right is Vylad. The girl on the right is you, but your own hair color and without your horns.)

I say "So little apple is the other girl?"

The women with black hair and is pale says "Yep, Now have fun kids! NOW LETS STARTS OUR JOG! LETS PLAY OUT GIRL, BEYONCE!" They start a song and they all scream and run away.

I say "What- ok...."

Vylad says "Oh my Irean..."

Zane says ".... Can mom get any more embarrassing?"

Aphmau says "So that is where my mom learned to talk like that."

I say "Why....?"

Garroth says "Umm.... I'm pretty sure your mom influenced our mom." Aphmau giggle and they talk when I see something in the shadows. I look closer and I see red eyes look right at me. I start to worry. 

I say "Why don't we play some sports?"

Zane says "Nope, I'm going to be under a tree, on my phone, away from you four." Then Garroth and Zane start getting into a fight about sports."

Aphmau says "Aww Zane, you should tell your brother you love him!"

Zane says "Shut up, you girl.... women... thing!"

I say "uhh... what?"

Garroth says "To be honest I would love if you told me that, Aphmau and (Y/N)."

I say "Shut up, Garroth."

Zane says "Could you be anymore creepy?" Garroth starts laughing and I feel someone is watching us. Yes, I know that I get watched everyday, but this one feels evil."

I say "Hahaha..... Why don't we go and play now? Hehehe."

Vylad says "Are you ok, (Y/N)?"

I say "Yep! I'm fine!"

Vylad says "Why don't we play soccer!" Aphmau than starts ranting about soccer.

~Time Skip~

Zane is being a butt, so I put magic on the ball. When little apple is going to kick it it will hit his face. I start to giggle when Vylad looks at me. I say "Oh it's nothing." Aphmau gets ready to kick and I say "GO APHMAU!" She kicks and Its flys into Zane's face. I try so hard not to laugh. Aphmau starts to flip out. I say "Little apple, you did not hit him, its ok!" Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. I say "I may of,or may not of put magic on the ball.... Hehehe."

Garroth says "Really, (Y/N)?"


Vylad says "True!"

~Time Skip~

I was in the limo with my mom. We have a dinner tonight at Garroth's, Vylad's, and Zane's house. Mom is going to make me wear dress! HELP ME! WHY!?



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