Chapter 27: The End? Pt 3

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~Jake's P.O.V.~

I open my eyes. The last thing I remember is a white light. I look to my left and I see Katelyn. She opens her eyes and she slowly sits up. I sit up to and I in front of me. Autumn was there. She had black angel wings, black halo, and a black and white katana. She whisper something under her breath, but no of us could hear it. Katelyn and me both get up. We were in a ice tower with ice everywhere. Autumn walks up to us and picks Katelyn up. She toughs Katelyn across the room. How can she pick Katelyn up like that? Katelyn hits the wall of ice and falls to the ground. Autumn looks over at me and smirks. I run over to Katelyn and hold her head up. "Jake..." Katelyn whispers. I look up at Autumn with a cold stare. "We got to help (y/n)." I said.

"I'm sorry, I can't move my body." Katelyn whispered.

"What?" I ask.

"I can do it." Katelyn says a little louder.

"No way! If you can't take a wall of ice then you can't deal with her." I said (does anyone else ship them right now?).

"No, she's way to strong." She said. I pick Katelyn up. "W-what are you doing?" She asked.

"Katelyn, I don't understand you at all." I said. ".... But, I can do this for both of us." I said. I lay her against the ice wall.

"You're even more nice than I've heard." Autumn said. I turn to face her. "Did you enjoy seeing one of your friends get thrown across the room?" She asked.

"Monster..." I said. ".... You don't care about anyone." I said. I make a glowing golden magic ball in my hands. "And saying depressing things will get you no were." I said. ".... And Katelyn.... I've never seen her more beaten up in my life. She should be strong, mean, and scary. When she can get up I hope she is the Katelyn I knew, I hope all of my friend can win there battles for each other and (y/n). THAT'S WHAT I'LL FIGHT FOR!" I said.

"Interesting. Then let me see the power of Jury Of Nine." Autumn said. I use my magic ball and through it at him. She blocks it with her Katana. I bring out my golden sword and try to hit her with it. She blocks me with her katana. I kick her in the gut and flys across the room. She hits the wall, but gets right back up. "Is that all you've got?" She asks. "Jake Perez, a child of Shad. Before I destroy you, I want to see the destructive power of one of his kin, but his kin are nothing special really." She said.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY?" I yelled/asked.

"You had the nerve to interrupt the ceremony of Ash getting more and more power. I'm going to crush you with my magic." She said. She looks at one of the ice rocks and it starts to fly. She looks at me and it comes flying at me. It hits me in the gut. "UGH!" I yell. She flys up with her with wings. She flys at me and hits me in the face. I move back a little. I turn around, but get kicked in the gut. I fall down. 

"Dang it, she flys to fast." I said. I get up and runs across the room. My speed with unstoppable and really fast, but it only met up with her flying. I gotta predict her movements and focus. I stop and think. Then I feel wind come from behind me. I make a glowing golden ball in my hand and turn around. I hit her in the face. She backs up in her flying, but goes back fly fast. Her speed picks up. She's gotten faster? She comes up behind and I turn around. Before I could do anything she hits me with her fist in my face.I fly across the room and hit the wall. 

"It's over. Time for you to have a glimpse of real destructive power." She said. I get up slowly. "W-what? You should of been down! My magic should of keep you down!" She said. She flys up in the air. She makes a huge black ball. Katelyn jumps in front of me. 

"ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME?" Katelyn yells/asked. Autumn eye's widen and she holds back her magic. Autumn's magic stops. 

"At this point it makes no difference. We can't stop with our own wills. This is going to hurt me, but not as much as it's going to hurt you. THE TWO OF YOU ARE GOING TO BE SMASHED TO BITS!" She said, but yelled at the end. She makes her huge black ball. Katelyn and me start to slide to it. The wind picks up and starts to move us to it. It's a black hole.....


"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Katelyn said. Her blue locks flow in the wind. 


"HAHAHAHAHA!" Autumn laughs and makes her black hole come to us. It sucks up ice (fairy tail anyone? I think I just remember the fight, so I guess I wrote something like it) on the way.  It was about to come it us. I couldn't move.

"KATELYN!" I yell. It was about to hit Katelyn, but it stops. Autumn was there crying. Her wings, halo, and sword disappear. 

"I'm pathetic. I can't do it..... I failed you boss!" Autumn yells and falls to the floor. She hits the floor and Katelyn runs over. I walk over and see Autumn crying. Katelyn leans down and kisses Autumn on the lips (Autumn likes Katelyn, so I had to). I guess we won.....

~Anin's P.O.V.~

I open my eyes and look next to me. Wolfe was there. She opens her eyes and stands up. I stand up and look around. We were in a forest. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We hear someone laugh. I heard it from above. I see Ocean there with a crazy look. Her skin was gray and her eyes were purple. She looked like what Travis looks like. Wait, is Travis a traitor? Ocean hops down from her tree. "I'll make this easy for you. I'll only use one of my magics for this." She said. I look at Wolfe and I nod. I run at Ocean and make a blue ball (does anyone else think Wolfe and Anin are twins). I through it at her and it makes a blue ball around her. Then it breaks like ice. Ocean was there smirking. "You knew he would betray you one day." Ocean said. Is she talking about Travis? "Although I didn't realize he would like my sempai. Fate is amusing indeed." She said. She makes purple ball out of her magic. She throws the magic ball at us, but I make my blue ball attack her's. Her's turns into ice. I guess I have the power of ice. She growls and makes another purple magic ball. She throws it, but I block it off by making it ice. It falls to the ground and breaks. 

"You think fate is amusing? I don't think it is one dang bit amusing! For the sake of (y/n)'s life.... " I said.

"(y/n)...." Wolfe whispered.

"...I'LL DESTROY ALL OF YOU!" I yell at Ocean. I make a ice ball and throw it at her (Gray anyone?) It hits her gut and she flys back. She hits a tree, but disappears. 

"I guess I won't go easy on you anymore." I Ocean say. She appears in front of me.

"DIE!" I yell. I throw another ice ball, but she stops it with her bare hand. Wolfe and my eye's widen.

"Oh, dear. It looks like I still don't have perfect control of my emotions. Your out of luck." She said. 

"I'm going to...." I said.

"You're not ready yet." Ocean said. "Do you really think that magic will work on me and my sempai?" She said. Her sword gets bigger.

"Her sword...." Wolfe said.

"(y/n)'s true demon was going to be awaken for the first time in her life. This is a good time to finish this, so Ash~sempai can awaken the demon." Ocean said. Ocean gets bigger and her sword gets bigger to. I get an ice ball ready.

"Wolfe...." I said,

"Yeah, I know." Wolfe said. She makes a ice ball with her hand. 

"In the name of all our friends, we're gonna take you down!" Wolfe said. We run at her with all we got. Ocean disappears, but sends a purple magic ball at us. I make a ice ball and so does Wolfe. We combine out magic and make a huge ice ball. We freeze the huge purple ball and I punch it. It brakes. Then someone grabs my head. A hand goes on Wolfe head to. We get picked up and thrown across the room. We both hit a tree. 

"I'm going to kill everything. Even your emotions...." Ocean says and we get up. We run at her with amazing speed. Her eyes widen and we punch her with ice on our fist (why am I writing fairy tail?). He fly back and hits a tree. She gets up with an problems and our eyes widen. She lifts us up and swings us around. She lets go and we fly into a tree. We lay there and she walks to us. I weakly look up at her. She smirks down at me. I look at Wolfe. She weakly nods. We grab her feet and her eyes widen. We put our magic in our hands freeze her all up. She was now in a frozen ball, stuck. I pant weakly and lay down. At least we won....

~Ash's P.O.V.~

"4 down. 4 left." The screen said. "AGH!" I yell as I throw a chair across the room. "And I had trusted you, Ocean." I said. Let's hope the other 4 get there game on and beat them!

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