You're hooking up with him?!

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Taehyungs pov

After I get off the phone I hear my door crack open. At first there isnt anything there then all of a sudden two heads pop their way into the room.
"Who was that?" Hoseok asks wiggling his eyebrows.
"My...uh...MOM!" I say looking away.
"Bullshit! You hestitated. Was it that hot waiter you fucked earlier?" Jungkook says sitting on my bed.
"WHAT?! Don't be ridiculous" I say "I didnt call him, let alone fuck the guy"
"Okay we're just asking" Hoseok says laying next to me.
Its quiet for a moment, its super peaceful.
"I bet you wanna fuck him though" Hoseok asks punching my thigh.
I blush, and look away. They both see and just giggle at me. Jerks.

"Uh. Uh. Uh. HOSEOK! RIGHT THERE!" Jungkook yells clawing at the sheets.
"Here?" Hoseok asks teasingly.
"Goddammit Hoseok just scratch my back!" Kookie yells smacking Hoseoks leg.
"Guys stop with the vocals. It sounds dirty" I say push Hoseok of of Kookies back.
"He was just scratching my back" Kookie pouts. I just shake my head.
"I wouldnt mind doing more" Hoseok says and winks at Kookie.
Jungkook blushes and looks at me. I giggle at them. Gross.

"Hey baby"
"Oh, uh, hi"
"What are you doing"
"Nothing. You?"
"Nothing but I wouldnt mind doing you"

I blush. How can he just say that. We barley know eachother.

"You still there?"
"Oh, uh, yeah"
"Ok. So what do you say?"
"About what?"
"You know. Hooking up"
"Uh, yeah sure. When?"
"Whenever is good for you"
"Ok cool. Um how about 8:30 tonight at FukBoi's?"

Where is that!?

"Um, wheres that"
"Its that club on central. Usually has bright neon light"
"Oh ok. Sure. I'll be there"
"You better baby boy"

*phone disconnected*

Oh my god. Im gonna hook up with the hot waiter! I think I'm going to die.

"YOUR HOOKING UP WITH THE WAITER AGAIN?!" Hoseok yells shaking me back and forth.
"I didnt hook up with him at the restaurant. This is the first time!" I yell pushing Hoseoks hands off of me.
"Whatever. When?" Kookie asks.
"...........tonight" I mumble.
"Its only been a day since you got his dick. Now you're going back for more?!" Hoseok yells shaking me again.
"I DIDNT HOOK UP WITH HIM. OMG!!!!" I yell removing Hoseoks hands again.
"......hoe" Hoseok whispers.
"Im the hoe? At least Im not trying every second of everyday to get my hand down Kookies pants!" I yell pointing at his face.
"Hey dont bring me into this!" Kookie yells sipping a juice box. Me and Hoseok just stare at him.
"Where the fuck did you get a juice box?" I ask. He just shrugs and keeps sippin'.
"Where are you even meeting this guy anyway" Hoseok asks draping himself over the arm of the couch.
"Fukboi's" I state. I hear Kookie choke, and I see Hoseok fling himself back up over the couch.
"FUKBOI'S?" They ask together.
I just nod. They look at eachother, then back at me.
"We're gonna need a professional to fix.... this" Hoseok says gesturing at my body. I glare at him and cross my arms.

"HOSEOK I GOT YOUR TEXT! IS IT REALLY THAT URGENT?" Some man yells rushing into my house. Hoseok doesnt say anything but just gestures toward me. The man gasps and rushes toward me. He grabs my face and turns it to I guess "examine" it.
"Its not that bad but it can be better" The man says and puts his hands on his hips.
"Okay lets begin than" Hoseok says.
I look around. Did I miss something.
"Um Hoseok? Who's this?" I say and gesture toward the random man in my house.
"Oh I almost forgot! Tae this is an old friend of mine, his name is Seokjin he works at a salon/beauty parlor" Hoseok states.
"You can call me jin" Seokjin states.
"Okay...? Why is he in my house?" I ask.
"For you" He says in a duh tone.
"Why....?" I ask.
Hoseok lets out an exaggerated groan.
"Because your hooking up tonight" Hoseok says shaking me.... again.
"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!" I yell slapping his hands off of me.
"Well whether you like it or not, you're getting a makeover!" Jin says grabbing my hand, and draggin me to my bathroom.... not without me telling him where to go of course.

I stand staring at myself in awe. Is that me?
Jin told Hoseok and Jungkook that they werent allowed to see me until he was done.
I walk out of the bathroom and walk into the living room where they were all sitting. Jungkook is the first to see and his eyes widen. Hoseok turns and his jaw drops.
"What?" I ask.
"Your hot!" Kookie says standing up. Hoseok pouts at kookie.
"Im hot toooooo" Hoseok says trying to hug Kookie. I giggle.
"Are you ready to go hot stuff?" Jin asks. I take a breath and nod.
"Ok. Lets go" He says, opening the door.
"Yeah go suck his dick Tae!" Jungkook yells as the doors closing.
I glare at him through the door.
I get in the car, and we're off.

The Waiter Is Soooo Hot (Vmin)Where stories live. Discover now