Hickies and messy hair

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Taehyungs pov

"Sshhhh dont be so loud"
"Im not... did you take the picture yet?"
"No hold on i cant find the button"
"What button? Just take the damn picture"
"You do it i cant figure this out"


"Ok lets go before they kil-"
I sit up and see Hoseok and Kookie standing there with wide eyes and i camera. I look down and see the dress from last night. Hoseok is smirking and Kookie is backing away slowly.
I jump up and chase them. They are screaming bloody murder. When i think im in reach of them i jump on top of them and tackle them to the floor.
"What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here." I say panting.
"Oh you know, the usual. Checking on our sister" Hobi says batting his eyelashes at me. I smack him across the back of the head.
"Im not a girl!!!" I yell standing up.
"Your dress says otherwise" Kookie points out. I look down. Im still in the ladybug dress. I blush and run back to my room locking the door behind me.
"Whats the matter baby" Jimin says in a croaky voice.
"I guess you were right... last night was the only alone time we would have" I say looking at him. He has a neck full of hickies and he has messy hair. He looked hot. I bite my lip, mmmm i would totally let him pound his cock into me if he asked.
"Umm V?" Jimin says.
"Hmm?" I hum.
"You said all that out loud" he says blushing.


I blush a deep red when i realize that i did say it out loud.
"Its just like when we met but dirtier" he smiles. When we met? What did i say when we m-
"The waiter is soooo hot" he says trying to mock my voice.
"You know what? One of these days your going to be the one begging to be fucked in the ass" i say and open the door. Hobi and Jungkook are standing there with red faces. They heard me.
Kookie eventually giggles, but Hobi just gets a darker shade of red.
I turn red too, and close the door again. I sigh and look down.... im still in the dress. Jimin chuckles. I glare and walk over to my dresser.
I pull out a pair of shorts and a big white t-shirt. I pull down the dress and I forgot I didn't have underwear on. Im completely naked with Jimin in the room. I peek back and Jimin is obviously eye fucking me. He doesnt know im looking so I'll tease him a little. I strut over to my little dress and bend in half to pull out underwear.
I slowly slide one leg into the hole, then the other. I pull them up agonisingly slow so that he can stare longer. I look over at him and hes gone. I stand up completely, and raise an eyebrow. First he was eye fucking me then he leaves me. I shake my head and grab the shorts. As im bending over i feel and hand caressing my ass. I smile.
"Stop it Jimin" i say and pull up the shorts. He doesnt say anything but he wraps his arms around my waist. He then slides his hand down my hips and into my shorts and boxers. He strokes it and I moan.
"Oh Jimin" i say and reach back to hold his hair...... it doesnt feel like his hair. It feels longer. I turn around and its not Jimin.

Jimins pov

I wake up to someone screaming their heads off. I look around and V is gone. That must be why theres screaming. After three seconds its quiet and then theres a thud. Its quiet again, thens theres mumbling. V comes back in red faced.
"Whats the matter baby?" I ask.
"I guess you were right... last night was the only alone time we would have" he says. I just stare at his face, hes so beautiful. I wish we could be alone so i could f-
"I would totally let him pound his cock into me if he asked" he says biting his lip. I blush.
"Umm V?" I ask.
"Hmm?" I replies.
"You said all that out loud" i say blushing again. We talk for a little longer then he glares at me. I walks to his dresser and oulls out some clothes. Before I can react, hes dropping the dress from his body. He stands completely naked in front of me.
Oh how much i want to fuck him as hard as I could.... im getting hard just thinking about it. He struts over to his other dresser and bends over revealing his beautiful ass. Oh god im hard as a rock, i cant look at him or im gonna cum on the sheets... again.
I rush to the bathroom and grab my dick, i feel close already so it wont take long. I pump my dick faster and hard. I think of last night. My dick ramming into his tight hole, him panting heavily qhile he moaned. I am about to moan out loud when i hear V.
"Oh Jimin!!" He moans. Is he jerking off too? I smirk and turn to the door. Why didnt he just say he wanted me. I open the door and my jaw drops... i cant believe what im seeing right now!!

Cliffhanger!!!!! I might update again later or maybe sometime tomorrow so you wont have to wait long. Comment your favorite part!!
Thx for reading💟💟💟💟

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