Having Fun

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Taehyungs pov

"FUCK YEAH BITCHES LET'S GET TURNT UP" Hoseok yells, then falls off the table.

Your probably wondering what's going on. Well this is what's happening.

The guys wanted to meet up with all theirs boyfriends and go to karaoke. I was slightly opposed to the idea just because I didn't wanna sing in front of Jimin. After Hoseok and Jungkooks persuading I agree to go.
"Yes bitch let's go!!" Hoseok yells. Yoongi is waiting in the car and the three of us get in. Hoseok in the passenger seat and me and Jungkook in the back end.
"Where's jimin?" Yoongi asks.
"He's at work, he said he'll meet us there when his shift is over, which should be here any minute" I say. Yoongi nods.
"Hey baby tell taehyung about what happened the other day!!" Jungkook laughs. I see Yoongi smile from the drivers seat. Hoseok turns to yoongi with his mouth wide open.
"I swear to God yoongi don't tell him!"
Yoongi opens his mouth.
"YOOOONGIIIII" Hoseok yells slapping a hand over his mouth.
Yoongi looks at hoseok and then hoseok makes a disgusted face.
"Ewww yoongi what the fuck" he yells wiping his hand on his pants.
"Hoseokwaspretendingto beastripperandwasdancingaroundinathong!"
Yoongi yells out in one breath.
God this boy yells a lot.
I giggle.
"That's hoseok for ya" I say laughing some more.
"That's not even the worst part of it" yoongi says.
Jungkook smirks. Hoseok turns around furiously.
"Hoseok wanted us to fuck him from both ends" Jungkook smiles.
Hoseok practically leaped from the front seat. Hoseok had his hands on the sides of Jungkooks head, and was shaking it with all his rage.
Jungkook just laughed and I could hear yoongi giggle a couple times. I laugh, then cringe at the thought of hoseok being sandwiched between the two. Ewww.
As the situation continues, yoongi says that we arrived.
Hoseok gets out and glares at yoongi and jungkook.
"Bitches" he mumbles to himself.
We walk in and order a room, then we wait for everyone to show up. After ten minutes jin and namjoon show up.
Then, jimin shows up......
An HOUR later.
Jimin stands at the door panting.
"Hey guys... im.... sorry...... amber asked me to.....cover her shift...again"
I stand up and walk over to jimin.
I pat his back.
"You ok?" I ask, he nods.
We sit and everyone catches up with each other telling each other about their weeks.
"Well I don't know about you guys bit I'm gonna sing" Jin says grabbing the remote for the tv, and the microphone from the stand.
He ends up picking a fast song right off the bat.
The screen loads and reads the song song selected.
"Singer has chosen...
EXO- Love Me Right"
We all cheer as he starts.
Jin sings all the parts to the song and finishes with a score of 94/100.
"What?!?! Why?" He pouts.
"Babe you forgot the words to like a line in the song" Namjoon laughs.
Jin pouts and hands the mic to hoseok, then sits back on the couch with Namjoon and yoongi.
"Yes bitches get ready for my beautiful voice" he flaunts.
He picks a song and we wait for it to load.
"Singer has chosen...
Jay Park- All I wanna do"
Hoseok sings and we all are bobbing our heads to the song.
Hoseok finishes with a 87/100
Hoseoks mouth drops and looks at me in shock.
"Hobi you suck at singing you know that right, I'm surprised you got even that" I tease.
"Whatever hoe, I'm the best" he hands the mic over to jungkook.
We wait for him to pick a song. Jimin leans over and whispers.
"Do you wanna sing baby?"
I shake my head and Jungkooks song starts.
He ended up picking Big bangs- sober.
The little bitch got a 99/100. Jin and Hoseok say something at the same time.
Everyone stops and orders some beers, and a tray of food.
We son tinge picking songs and everyone takes a turn but me. Yoongi is a really buzzed and is singing girl group songs. Hoseok is already drunk. Namjoon and Jin are making out, they aren't drunk they're just horny. Jungkook is eating more food and Jimin is just as drunk as hoseok and is singing with yoongi.
I sit and drink a few drinks every now and them.
I watch yoongi and Jimin sing with each other into one mic. They're looking into each other's eyes and get closer. Jimin puts a hand on Yoongi's waist, pulling him closer. I look away and chug another drink. I'm slowly starting to feel all the alcohol settling. I feel more drunk now. Hoseok is really drunk by now, and jungkook passed out from eating so much. I look back over at yoongi and Jimin and Jimin is sucking on Yoongi's neck. I can hear yoongi moan because he has the mic up to his mouth.
Hoseok looks at the two then looks at me. I shrug, not caring. I'm to drunk now to care.
I feel like dancing. I'm gonna dance.
I stand up and sway my hips. I close my eyes listening to the song playing, even though it's muffled by the sounds of yoongi.
I open my eyes when I feel hands on my waist. I look back and it's hoseok.
I lean forward and start grinding on him. Hoseok rotates his hips into my butt. We grind, and I feel my dick start to climb up my underwear.
I turn around and grinding our dicks together. Hoseok wraps his arms around my waist. We put our heads together, our noses touching. I don't think I've ever kissed hoseok. Hoseok looks at me and leans forward and kisses me. I kiss back with just as much force. He pushes me back onto the couch across from jin and namjoon.
I feel him straddle me and put his hand up my shirt. I moan when I feel his cold hand run across my nipple. I grab his ass and squeeze. He grinds down on me. My dick is so hard right now. I feel hoseok tense and I open my eyes. Jimin is poking hoseok on the back.
"Can I have my boyfriend back now?" He giggles.
Hoseok stands and climbs on the table, wobbling as he stands up.
"FUCK YEAH BITCHES LET'S GET TURNT UP" he yells then falls off the table.
Jin and namjoon pull away from each other, and look over. Jungkook wakes up from the noise. And yoongi and I run over to hoseok.
"Hobi are you ok?" I ask.
Yoongi pats his cheek.
Hoseok looks around and his eyes land on yoongi.
"I'm hornyyyyy" hoseok whispers.
"Ewwwwww" I say and walk away.
"He's fine guys" I announce. Jungkook falls asleep again and the couple continues their make out session.
Jimin pulled me over to the couch.
He smirks at me.
"Want some of this dick?" He says and has me straddle him. I smile and nod.
I lean in to kiss him when someone knocks on the door to the room.
I stand up and open the door.
It's an employee.
"Um excuse me, but the building will be closing in 20 minutes so please leave" the lady says. I think.
That's what it sounded like. What a
bitch. I groan and nod shutting the door.
"Guys let's go, they're closing"
Everyone groans in unison.
After about 15 minutes we all get back to our cars. Jimin tells yoongi that he'll take me home so he can leave.
Hoseok passed out as soon as he got in the car. Jungkook was dragged to the car by namjoon.
"Yoongi are you gonna be ok? You're pretty drunk" jimin asks.
I scoff at jimin.
"Like your any less drunk! You've had just as many beers as hoseok, and look at him". Jimin shushes. I pout.
"Are you taking tae home?" Yoongi asks. Jimin looks at me smirks then looks back at yoongi.
"Yep, right home. Then I'm probably gonna drive home" jimin says.
I look at jimin, he's not gonna stay?
Yoongi nods.
"Be careful then, these knuckleheads are gonna stay at my house for tonight" jimin nods. And we get in the car.
"Your not gonna stay at my house tonight?" I asks.
"No. And neither are you" he says. I look at him confused and he just smiles. We drive and drive then we stop at a park with no lights.
"Jimin it's dark here" I say uneasy.
He gets out and walks to the back door, and climbs in. I look back at him.
"What are you doing?" I ask shaking my head at him.
He doesn't say anything. We sit in silence as it gets darker. I now can't see Jimin. I pull out my phone and check the time.


That's why it's so dark.
I squint my eyes. I can't see him.
"Jimin?" I ask.
I only hear a zipper. I scrunch my face. The fuck?
I get out and climb in the back with jimin.
"Jimin?" I ask.
"Took you long enough" he says.
"What?" I ask.
I feel jimins lips on my neck. I moan.
He wants to have car sex?
Within minutes we have no cloths on.
Jimin props me on the center piece and is lining himself up while he is knealing on the seat. He pushes in and I moan out loudly.
"Fuck, ah jimin" I moan putting my head in my arms.
He pulls out and pushes back in slowly.
The windows are fogged up. I wipe sweat from my forehead.
"Oh jimin you feel so good" I moan.
Jimin moans deeply.
"Oh fuck Taehyung I miss fucking your sweet ass. Oh I wanna fuck you so hard" He says huskily.
I moan at the thought.
"Yes jimin fuck me hard oh I wanna feel you deep in me. I say rotating my hips back onto him. Jimin grabs my hips and slams in fast and hard.
"You like that baby, me fucking you?"
I nod quickly.
"Oh baby I'm gonna cum" jimin says.
"Cum in me jimin" I say ready to cum too. He thrusts a few more times and releases into me. We pant and I feel all the sweat trickling down my forehead and  back.
I turn to look at jimin and I panick. There's a car pulling up next to us. Oh god it's the cops!!!
I panick and put my shirt on.
I wait a second for something to happen and the driver door opens. Out walks namjoon.
The fuck?
He strips off his pants and climbs into the back seat. Ewww.
I look at jimin and his face is scrunched up.
"Lets go" he says and climbs out. He gets in the front without putting his clothes back on. I just slide my underwear back on and get out. I hear the window roll down.
"Taehyung?" I turn and Jin is shirtless and namjoon is sucking on his neck.
"Heeeeeyyy....." I say slowly.
"Here for some of the dirty dirty with the jiminie jiminie" he winks. I roll my eyes.
"Bye guys" I say and get in the front. 
"What was that all about" jimin asks.
I just shake my head, because it wasn't anything important.
We drive in silence all the way home.
When we get to my house Jimin doesn't turn the car off.
"Aren't you gonna stay?" I ask pouting.
Jimin shakes his head.
"I got work tomorrow baby. I promise I'll stay tomorrow ok" he says. I lean over and kiss his cheek.
"Be careful driving home jimin. I love you" I say.
"I love you too baby" he says and drives away. I walk to my front door and pull out my keys to unlock it. I look down and wedged under the door was a paper. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Mr. Kim Taehyung,

I am writing to you in regards to my son jimin. I am very disappointed in my son for having chosen you over me, but I am incapable of changing his mind. He has not spoken to me since the incedent and frankly I will not apologize for what I said to you.
But if you happen to see him I would like you to tell him that I love him, and I wish he would reconsider the situation.
Thank you.
                                          - Mrs. Park

I sigh as I finish the letter.

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