Knockout x oc

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So, I didn't get any requests so I decided to do make up my own request. I will do a knockout x oc. Next, I will do an Optimus x Starlight (my oc). Then I will take requests. Please comment on what you think, thanks!
Third POV

She looked under the hood as she thought about the many things she must fix in order to start the engine up once more. As she cleaned her hands, she looked at the owner of the rig. "I believe I may be able to fix this.. I'll call you up tomorrow afternoon to tell you the expense," she said as she wiped the dirt and grime from her skin.

"Thanks, dude! I'll catch ya later!" The blonde cheered as he jogged out the shop. Crimson sat down in her chair as she scribbled down some notes then laid on her back on a skateboard and slid under the car. She began to tinker only to hear a sound of another car.

"I'll be with you in a minute!" She called out only to hear the car honk. "Hold up!" The car honked once more, impatiently. She huffed and slid out from beneath the vehicle, "Fine!" She stood up only to see a slick car and smirked, recognizing it. "Look who it is.... came to visit me?"

"You didn't think I forgot about you? Did ya?" A certain glamorous con said. She went to him and sat on the hood as her finger traced around the design of the car.

"You haven't been here for awhile.. Maybe.." She replied as she looked at a wall, "you found another friend..." The mech's door opened to reveal a hot, red head male who pinned her to the hood.

"I've been busy.. but trust me... no one can forget about you.." He said as he looked down at her. She chuckled and pushed him off as she stood up.

"Want to come over?" She questioned as she gathered her things.

"Sure," he answered and hopped back in the car. Crimson closed down the shop and hopped in as the car drove toward her house. She closed her eyes, relaxed. He looked at her from the driver's seat and bit his lip. He enjoyed seeing her hair fall flawlessly over her shoulders, her big beautiful eyes, and lucious pink lips. He wanted desperately to claim them, but how would a bot and a human work out? He took his eyes off her as they arrived at the apartment and got out. He opened her side and helped her out. She smiled at him in appreciation as she went up the ladder and to her door. She looked for the correct key and put it in and opened it. Knockout followed behind her and closed the door once they both were in.

"Make yourself at home," she offered, "I'll be back soon. I stink from working with the cars... I'll take a quick shower.." He nodded in response and watched as she walked off to the other side of the room and went through a door and vanished within it. He waited over twenty minutes and did not see her come back. He grew impatient and began to look around. He walked into a room and saw it was her bedroom. He chuckled at the girlish things within her room. He sauntered to a door he assumed was a closet, but as he opened it he discovered a bathroom which Crimson was in. She stood there without her clothes as she dried herself. His optics widened as he felt his pants getting uncomfortable. He bit his bottom lip once more, but as he saw the water droplets on her body, he hardly could resist. He observed her figure and every curve; she was so beautiful and elegant. She squeaked in surprise as she felt his hands upon her hips.

"Knockout!" She gasped and tried to get away, only to be held in place. His lips grazed over the back of her neck causing her to shiver. They traveled up and nipped at her shoulder before planting gentle kisses up her shoulder and to her neck. He stopped as he reached her neck. She shivered as she felt his hot breath against her neck causing a ripple to go up her spine. "K-knockout..." He no longer could contain himself as he lifted her up and took her to her bed and plopped her down on her stomach. She squealed in surprise and looked back at him embarrassed, but she couldn't find the courage or will to fight back. She watched as he removed his shoes and clothes. Once he was finished, he stood nude before her. She looked away as her face lit up at the sight. Knockout smirked slightly as he saw she did not resist. How desperately he wanted to take her innocence away and hear his name being moaned by those precious lips. But he wanted to drag it out as long as he could. He placed his length against her rear only to receive a gasp. He grinned as he began to thrust his length between her buns, receiving soft moans in return. She gripped a pillow and buried her face into it to silence the noises, being the timid girl she was, she couldn't help but feel shy about this whole situation. He frowned at her actions and rose his hand and brought it down leaving a red hand print on her aft. Her head rose up and nearly screamed at the stinging sensation. She couldn't say she hated it, but she wouldn't admit she enjoyed it. He brought his hand down again and again until her whole rump was as red as a tomato. Each time she screamed in bliss and soon she grew wet from the anticipation. He smirked as he enjoyed seeing her body shake and tingle due to his actions.

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