Optimus x Oc (Starlight) Part 2 (Fluff!!)

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This one won't be a lemon. It's a fluff! Some people asked if I could make a part two of this. So, this one is more of a fluff than anything. Hope you enjoy!
Starlight's POV

His armor against mine.. His deep and alluring voice against my audio receptor. The way he used my body on that Christmas evening.. I remembered it perfectly as if it happened yesterday. Everything about the male made me love him more. He showed me that day that he cared for me more than anyone else. Outside of our home, he was a stern and serious being, in other words, a Prime. Everyone expected him to do his work and come home to a silent household to prepare for more work the next day. Society shamed him a bit though because of me.. he had a sparkmate. One he adored and not only that.. I was sparked.. Optimus was going to be a sire and I, a creator. My processor filled with possible designations for our future sparkling. But now, I was nervous about what the other bots would say to him or me. I already got threats from dangerous femmes. Most of them told me that I was a slut and just wanted Optimus for the fame. No, I loved him since he was Orion Pax. This sparkling was a blessing. The war was over and now I could start a happy life with my loved one, but.. is it worth it if we have to live with being ridiculed every single day? The more I thought about it, the more I started to regret the growing sparkling in my tank.

"Starlight?" The familiar deep voice spoke which caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I'm in here.." I spoke softly. My strength seemed to be fading each day perhaps the sparkling was to blame.. How cruel of me. My child is hardly developed and I'm blaming everything on him/her.

"You feeling ill still?" He questioned amd sat beside me, pecking my forehelm gently.

"Yes.." I responded silently.

Third POV

His optics softened as he looked to her. He had noticed her weakening state as it caused him great distress. He was not going to lose her once more. During the war was hard enough, he had her once again, and he wouldn't lose her. "Perhaps I should ask Ratchet to look you over.."

"I am fine love.." She responded with kind words. Her lips contacted his as without hesitation, he returned it. The small makeout session was filled with love and passion. Only she could ever unleash this side of him. They parted, but their forehelms remained against each other's. Tears streamed down Star's faceplates as it caused the Prime alarm.

"Did I harm you?? Is there something wrong?" He asked concerned.

"N-no.." she laughed softly and wiped the tears away. "I just.. I'm so happy with you here... But.. I feel like I'm holding you back." Perhaps it was her mood swings, or maybe something else, but she started to reveal her true feelings.

"Holding me back? Impossible.." he stated.

"Everyone thinks I'm using you.. everyone respects you, but no one agrees with your decision to sparkbond with me.." She said as she laughed once more, "I get threats.. I'm shunned upon for being different.. I was actually born.. not created and-" she was cut off by his large digit against her lips.

"Starlight.. Seeing you in this state sickens me.. You do not hold me back. In fact, you make me feel whole.. I am different in the way I present myself to others.. The citizens of cybertron see me as a leader. A mech who will change everything for the better.. and I hope to meet their expectations, but I shall not leave you.. No matter what they desire.. you made my spark complete.. Instead of hiding all of my emotions to keep my appearance.. I can share with you anything. You are my life companion.. Hybrid of a bot and predacon.. You are my sparkmate.. you are my spark.. and I shall not let you pass through my digits.." He declared.

"O-optimus.." She stammered out as her face was blue due to his words. She was met with his pair of lips once more as it was more intense. His glossa asked permission as she immediately accepted the request, opening up her mouth for him. He explored her cavern before he pulled away. She left various pecks all over his helm, smiling. Her servos cupped his and placed them on her stomach. No words were needed as the Prime understood the gesture. His helm lowered to where his audio receptor pressed against her developing tank. He hummed softly before he finally spoke.

"I'm unsure if you're able to hear this young one.. but realize this... You'll always be protected.. Your creator and I shall protect you.. You shall see the wonders of this world. Your family may be strange consisting of so many bots.. But it shall be our family.. Your family.." He spoke before lifting his helm up and looked to her. "Starlight.." He pulled her onto his lap so her back was against his broad chest.

"Optimus.. I.." She began to speak but fell silent as she simply enjoyed his warm embrace. Silence settled upon them as they rested against each other, enjoying the other's presence. One thing was true, they surely loved each other.

Several months later...

[Why is it taking so long??] The scout asked as he walked back and forth outside the room.

"Patience Bee.." Bulkhead stated.

"Who knew the old Prime had it in him,"Wheel laughed.

The door soon opened to reveal Ratchet wiping his servos. "You may enter...."

The bots all peaked in to reveal the Prime standing over his sparkmate and his newborn sparkling. Star looked to them with a tired smile.

"A girl.. a femme.." She laughed silently. Bulkhead walked in and looked at the sparkling.

"She's so small.." the wrecker laughed quietly.

Optimus chuckled softly though a rare smile crept upon his lips, a proud sire. "She is perfect.. Starlight-" he began to speak, but was cut off.

"I know.. you told me this already.. Thank you Optimus.. I won't ever leave you.. just stay by our side.." She spoke as she met with a quick peck to her lips.

"I will.. Both of you.. Until the end of time." He placed his digit against the newborn's cheek. The femme opened her bright blue optics. Her optics scanned around the room, latching onto his digit. Her own servo was small against her sire's.

"Never knew the Prime would be like this," Wheel smirked.

"He's full of surprises.. I'll give him that.." Arcee said as Smokescreen pulled her into his chest.

"Perhaps we can have one of our own," he teased causing the femme to blush with a huff.

The Prime rolled his optics playfully and kissed his sparkmate once more then hummed silently.

"What should we name her?" He asked softly.

"How about Rosemary? Rose for short," Star suggested. Optimus lifted his daughter up as she made several noises up at her father. A large smile spread as he placed his forehelm delicately against his daughter's.

"Rosemary? Perfect... Welcome to the family Rosemary.." He said softly which made Rose touch his face.

A new life was brought into this world as her family surrounded her. One thing was for sure, no matter what society thought.. Rosemary had support from her whole family. They loved her and her parents loved her. Optimus Prime and Starlight.. their love was strong and would not end. Family isn't always given, it's what you make of it. 💛💖
The end!! Hope you enjoyed it! ^°^ also yes, I ship Arcee x Smokescreen. Deal with it °^° Peace!~tmntleolover

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