Bumblebee RID x oc

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Third POV

He always felt sympathy for her. Always has. Never will stop feeling that way. When Bumblebee was a scout, he met a female named Miley, but preferred to go by Mimi. She was young, around nine years old. He hung out with her when ever he had spare time, then one day she just vanished. As time went by he met three new humans: Miko, Jack, and Rafael. That was probably about 10 years after Mimi vanished. Then one day, when they were battling Silas, she appeared. Her arms were covered in scars as her eyes looked around in sorrow. He managed to save her as he and the other autobots saved her from Silas; what they found out was horrendous.

Mimi was the daughter of Silas. He isolated her for 10 years and once he found out about the advanced technology of the autobots, he began to use her as a test subject. His own daughter, tortured, cut open, and even probed. Everyday for a year Silas and his followers experimented on her. They wanted to see if they were able to create the first cybertronian human. They made sure she was awake, feeling every single thing they did to her. Unlike a father figure, he allowed the men to touch her. Luckily for her, she fought each day so they never managed to go far. After she told the autobots her story, they took her in. The more shocking thing was that they succeeded. They created the first and only cybertronian human. She was part of their family, though everyone knew she always felt left out. Being totally different, not knowing who she really was. But that was years ago. The last time Bumblebee saw her was when she kissed him goodbye as he was returning to Cybertron. He offered her to come along but she kindly denied. She said she didn't belong there, she was born on Earth. It wouldn't be right. Bee pulled her into another kiss as he looked back at her sadly before he entered the groundbridge. Since then, he hasn't seen her. He now was the leader of a small team of autobots who were to recapture the decepticons that escaped from the fallen prisoner ship called the Alchemor. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of her. But, he kept it quiet. Then, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a beep.

"What is it Fix-it?" Bee asked.

"There seems to be two cybertronian life signals. One a decepticon and the other... I fant... p-pant... Can't! Find out," the mini con responded.

"Hmmm..." The mech pondered, "proceed with caution. Alright team let's rev, rock and roll!" His team looked at him as Sideswipe shook his head. They transformed into their vehicle forms (except for Grimlock who simply transformed into his dino form), and drove towards the signals. "I actually liked that one.... Hey, wait up!" Bee then transformed and proceeded after them.

As they got to the site they transformed normal and watched the sight before them. A black armored femme with hot pink trimmings battled a decepticon. She slammed her knee against the cat like cybertronian as she leapt into the air, spun, and slammed her feet onto the con. The con remained immobile beneath her. Her mouth guard receded revealing her mouth and she picked the con up and tossed it over her shoulder. She saw the bots and raised her hand as it turned to a blaster.

"Whoa! We are friendly!" Bee stated.

"Since when are cybertronians allowed to have those type of guns?? They were determined illegal," Strongarm stated as she looked at the mysterious bot.

"Do I punch her?" Grimlock whispered which caused the bots to glare at him. "What?"

"All I have to say is... awesome! Where'd you get it??" Sideswipe asked as he approached her.

"Ratchet gave it to me long ago... When he was on Earth with the other bots," she replied, still pointing her gun.

"Wait, you worked with Ratchet??? The Ratchet??? And team Prime!" Strongarm practically fangirled. Bee looked at the femme as she seemed oddly familiar, then it hit him.

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