A/N Again

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Ello my Transformers geeks! I'm still alive! Woohoo! I'm currently in college and that's why I'm taking quite awhile to update, plus I'm participating in Inktober. I've had a lot of personal issues to deal with as well. Things have been slowly progressing. Anyway! I have an update on some news and some questions I'll answer.

News first! Okay. I'm not quite comfortable with doing reader inserts quite yet. I believe I've done one or two. I mainly do x oc (my ocs) specifically because I'm more comfortable. Eventually, I'll graduate to other peoples ocs and reader inserts. It's just something I need to adjust to. But, I will be updating!

Q: Do you do male x male?
A: For now, no. I'm NOT against it. I'll make it very clear. I actually have plenty of male OTPS. (TINKER X RUNAAN FOR THE WIN BOIS), but writing it is a different story. Sorry.

Q: Can I request my oc x bot?
A: For now, no. Until I feel decent with my writing enough to feel worthy to include someone else's oc. But I'll get there!

Q: Can you do threesomes?
A: Also no! Nothing against them. I'm just hella bad at writing them. Trust me. I need to improve on that writing.

A: Eh.. I will try my best... School sucks and so does work. Growing up blows being a legal adult

Q: If I can't get my oc.. can I at least request scenarios like "Christmas day" or "spa day?" Ect.?
A: of course! :D (No rape. Won't do it)

And... Final question...
Should I also do fluff and two parters here? I did a two parter with Ratchet and you guys seemed to enjoy it! Would you guys like me to add fluff scenarios and lemons? Or just stick with lemons? Let me know! Thanks! :DD

-Just stick with lemons
-Do fluff AND lemons (which could make some things be two part stories)

P.S. BY THE LOVE OF PRIMUS. ALMOST 90K VIEWS?! Thanks! Y'all are some horny people, but I have no place to judge. Thanks for all my cybertronian nerds out there! Much love! 💞💚💙💜❤️🤖🤖🚛

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