5~ truths and explanations.

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"M-mommy?" I whisper through tears. We're in the room with her but she is hooked up to all kinds of machines and she looks so, so pale that I'm afraid to go near her. Kile wraps his arms around me gently and I lean into him and grip his hand tight.
Ahren stands beside us and whispers to me, "are you too mad at me to have twin time? Because I'm scared...."
I shake my head softly. Our rule growing up: when one twin asks for twin time, it's serious and you do it at all costs. I pull away from Kile and wrap my arms around Ahren and he grips me tight.
"Hello Eadlyn..." My mom smiles weakly. "Ahren... You... You're back..." Her eyes are teary.
  "I'm so sorry mom," he whispers.
   "Don't be... I understand. I missed you, that's all.  Now why are the two of you standing there when I'm in this big hospital bed all alone?" She smiled.
  We look to each other then run to the bed.  We argue briefly about who gets to lay next to mom on the bed, but ultimately I win and end up squished between mom and Ahren.  Dad comes and sits beside her and holds her hand tight.
   "So, my darling, how is the selection going?" My mother smiled down at me.
  "Well... Actually... I think I'm engaged..." I smile shyly with tears in my eyes.  I look up at Kile.
   She smiles like I haven't seen her smile in a very long time.  "Oh my goodness! I knew it! I'm so happy for you Eadlyn." She hugs me tight then looks up at Kile. "Come here honey, you're part of the family." She reaches out for him and when he walks close timidly, she envelopes him in a tight hug. He smiles. 
  "Thank you, Queen America.  So much." She releases him and he holds my hand tight and sits on the edge of the bed.
  She smiles then looks at all of us in turn.  "I love my family... Wait, where are Osten and Kaden?"
  My dads eyes widen.  "That... Is a good question. And a scary one.  Be right back." He kisses her then runs out quickly and we all chuckle.
   My mom looks over at Ahren and I.  "You know... With the two of you in my bed like this... It makes me think of when I gave birth to both of you. Right here."
   "Mommmm!" We both complain while Kile chuckles.
   She grins. "Best day of my life."
   I look up to Ahren.  "Seven minutes. You couldn't have sped up the process by SEVEN MINUTES?! You suck.  Seven minutes could have saved me a whole lot of trouble."
   "Seven minutes!" He exclaimed.  "I would've been out a lot sooner if you hadn't yanked me back in to make your big debut!" He laughed.
  We all chuckled and rolled our eyes.
   "I am so glad to be joining this family," Kile said with a grin.
   "Mmmm... I'm so glad you're joining my family too..." I smile and kiss him slowly.
   My mom lets out an excited squeal then grabs  dad's camera and snaps a picture of us.  "I never thought this day would come!"
   I laugh and pull away slowly.  "Me either."
   "Now that you've fallen in love... Why do you think you were so afraid to?" Ahren questions.
   "I...." I take a deep breath.  "I guess because I've been so guarded my whole life.... I've never let anyone get close who didn't need to be close.... It's like I said... I only have one heart... I think I was saving it."
  Kile smiles.  "Well I'm so glad you let me be in it, my Eady..." He kisses my hand softly.  I giggle softly.

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