7~ The Report

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  The next few days fly by in a blur.  Kile and I keep our proposal from everyone.  It's surprisingly much harder than I thought.  We try not to look at each other at dinner, we try to get through whole days without being caught alone together.  The nights are easier.  We usually sleep in his old room, the one before he was selected.  I just get up early enough to sneak back into my room before anyone can see me.  I eliminate four more boys, leaving me with Ean, Hale, Henri, and Kile.  It kills me to break Henri's heart, not because I am in love with him, but because we have become such good friends.  I'm planning on eliminating Ean next because he wouldn't care that much.
  The Report comes that next Friday and I'm all prepared with my reports and my stories but none of that happens.  As soon as it gets started, Gavril pulls me up to sit with him.  I wasn't prepared for this and I break out into a small sweat but try to hide it well.
  "Princess Eadlyn," Gavril says jovially.  "It seems like it's been forever since we really discussed the selection.  How are you doing? You just cut the Elite in half. What brought that on?"
  "Well, Gavril... I think it just sort of hit me how close it was getting... I knew who I cared for and I decided not to waste any more of my or their time trying to create a spark that just wasn't there.  They were all great men, but there was no real connection.  I do wish them the best of luck in finding someone whom they would truly love."
  "Now wait... Do I hear you saying that these boys never really loved you?" Gavril leans forward.
  "I'm not saying that at all.  I believe they all had the best of intentions, but let's be real, nobody came into this already loving me, nor I them, because love is something that is gradually earned.  It would have been ridiculous to think that any of them loved me.  So no, I don't think they loved me, but that wasn't their fault.  We simply never made a connection."
  "I see... And tell me about your connections with these remaining boys!"
   I laugh softly.  "Don't expect me to give anything away Gavril... This is my life, you know...." I smile.  "But I have much praise for each of them and how I feel we have connected.  Hale Garner... Hale seems to understand me.  We have many of the same interests, which is a great quality of a husband because who else will I gossip fashion with?" I tease with an easy smile.  "And Ean... He's outstandingly loyal.  He keeps his promises.... And he's always willing to offer himself to others, a great trait for a king and husband.  And Henri... Who wouldn't connect with Henri? He's the sweetest person... And the surest way into a woman's heart is with food, so he's got all of you boys beat there." I grin and look at all the boys. "And Kile.... I can't say much for Kile except that he is the greatest friend I have ever known...." I look right at him and his smile is soft.  I try not to linger too much on him before turning back to Gavril.  "So there you have it.  That is why I feel connected to each of these boys.  It pains me that I'm going to have to eliminate three of them, but I sincerely hope that whoever does not become my husband will become my most amiable friends.  I couldn't bear not getting fashion advice from hale, or sweet words and treats from Henri, or secrets from Ean, or hugs from Kile.... So if I don't choose you, know that you are always in my heart." I smile at all of the selected in turn.
  "Very well put, princess.  Now as for the selection... Do you think you're close to picking a husband?"
  I almost tell him.  I almost spill everything right there.  But I remember my promise to my dad, and so I don't.
   "Yes. I can say with absolute certainty that I am looking to finish this Selection very soon.  I love having all these boys here, but my goodness is it exhausting! I always have to have on a pretty dress and makeup! It will be nice when I just have one boy here who has to love me no matter how I look." I joke easily with an award winning smile.
  Kile shouts, "but you always look good!" And all the other boys join in, causing me to blush and look down bashfully.  "Well if you all feel that way then I'm not doing my hair this much tomorrow!" I laugh.
  Gavril grins.  "Well I am certain that you will be just as gorgeous.  Ladies and gentleman, Princess Eadlyn Schreave, Heir to Illeá.  Thank you, my dear.  And the best of luck on this selection!"
  I smile. "Thank you, Gavril!" He kisses my hand and I wave then walk off. The cameras stop rolling and I slump down in my seat a bit, relieved it's over.  A maid brings me a note and I open it.
          My room.  Ten minutes.
           P.S. HAHA I sound as bossy as you!

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