Chapter 5

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Ariel's POV
I Woke Up And It Was 11:00 am, I Looked By My Side And I Saw Blake, I Just Smiled then I looked down at my cloths, I was wearing some shorts and a long shirt that I haven't Weared In A Long Time. I got up from the bed but then I felt blake's hands push me back to my bed, "Where Are You Going?" He asked. "I'm Gonna Go Brush My Teeth." I said looking at him, "Why don't you stay with me and cuddle with me!" He said Whining. "Because, you don't want to smell my breath when it's stinky do you?" I said smiling "Well, Who Cares If Your Breath stinks, I just want you to be with me!" He said looking at me, "Ugh,Blake I Have to go anyways." I said trying to get away from his grip, "Fine If Your Going, Then I'm Gonna Have To Give You A Piggyback Ride." He said smiling, then he got up And bent down on the corner of my bed so I can get on his back, I started walking to where he was at, when I went on his back he grabbed my arms and he interlocked our hands together, Then He Started walking torwards the door and opening it and leaving it open. I started laughing but I was scared at the same time cause I didn't want to fall.We were finally at the bathroom then he let go of my arms, He Stood Right In Front Of Me, "Blake What Are You Doing?" I said looking at him, "I Just Wanted To See Your Beautiful Face Again." He said smiling.i just smiled and laughed, then he scooted over so I can Brush my teeth I started brushing them, All Of A Sudden I Felt My Waist Being Pulled Back But My Front Part Of My Body Was Still By the Sink.
I Washed my mouth with water then I said "Blake!" Whining, "sorry." He said. "Hey Ariel, Do you Wanna Go With Me To Go Get Ice cream?" Blake Said. "You Mean Like A Date?" I said turning around to face him, "Yea Kind of like that." He said.

Blake's POV
Ariel Just Looks So Beautiful Even With No Makeup. So She Went Upstairs to go get herself dressed while I Sat In the living room, I Looked outside the window and I saw this really pretty girl wait Blake you can't be thinking that! Cause you have a Girlfriend and that's Ariel! But This Girl looks more pretty than Ariel, so I decided to go outside and I stopped the girl "Hey My Names Blake, What's Your Name?" I said in a flirty tone. Blake stop what your doing, Ariel's gonna come out any second now, and if she see's you then she will want to break up with you! My Mind said to me. "Well My Name is Jennifer But You Can Call Me Jenny." She said looking at me. I just smiled and she smiled back. We started talking, and we were getting to know each other. She's funny and she has a cute laugh, just like Ariel,

Ariel's POV
I Went Upstairs To get ready, I put on a white shirt with Black letters that said "Fashion Is So." Then I Put on some converse With rhinestones On It (I Think that's what their called) After that I put on a Minnie Mouse headband, with 3 bracelets, and with some shorts that are a little bit ripped from the top, And lastly Sunglasses. So then I put some bright red lipstick and a little bit of mascara, with some foundation. I started walking down the stairs and gabbed my phone cause it was charging by the kitchen, I started walking torwards the door And when I opened the door I saw blake with another girl, it seems like they were talking flirty, " Blake What are you doing?" I said looking at him and still standing by the door "A-Ariel I didn't know that you were gonna come outside right now." He said looking nervous. "Oh um hi, Are You His Girlfriend?" The girl asked " um yea actually, and I don't know why he is talking to other girls while he is with me." I said getting mad. "Ariel.... I-I think that we shouldn't be together anymore, it's just that sometimes you-" he said " I WHAT BLAKE???!?" I said getting even more mad. "You just talk to much and you don't want to be with me whenever you want to cuddle with me." He said. "W-What?" I said about to cry, "Your just not my type." He said looking at me. "BLAKE YOU LIKED ME SINCE YOU SAW ME ON BROADCAST AND NOW YOU DONT WANT TO BE WITH ME ANYMORE??!!!!??" I said yelling and crying at the same time. "I-im sorry." He said looking at me. 'IM SORRY IM TO UGLY FOR YOU!!! IM SORRY THAT I WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU!! I SHOULD JUST DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!!" I said then going back inside the house and locking the door. I just went running up the stairs and going to my room then locking the door, I looked in the mirror And I had mascara on my cheeks and my eyes were red. I Took of my headband and pulling my hair I went on my bed and started crying, I just can't believe Blake broke my heart AGAIN!! I changed my cloths and I put on a baggy shirt and some baggy shorts. I cleared all my makeup and went to bed and just layed there until I fell asleep.

Hey Guys sorry this was kind of a short chapter. But it's late and I haven't posted so here it is! Another chapter! Bye My Lovely Flowers!🌺

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