Chapter 27

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hey guys! so i just wanted to let you know that sometimes i will be updating some chapters on my laptop and that from now on you guys can call me lily, and right now I'm doing this chapter on my laptop.. NOW i will leave you guys at peace and enjoy this chapter, grab some snacks and whatever you have that you like to eat and sit back because this is going to be a long chapter so  enjoy this chapter! bye i love you guys!

Ariel's POV

we continued to drive to Disney  world,, and right now im thinking that i shouldn't date any boy anymore cuz then its gonna lead to something bad.. my first ever boyfriend was zach, he was so sweet, and caring, funny, or course. but then that relationship ended bad, then it came to blake, and now the same thing happened, i just don't get it.."why you sad baby g?" Steven asked me. "Hmm? oh... im- im not sad.." i said avoiding his eyes.he sighed. there was the red light.. so he stopped the car. "look at me baby." he said. i looked at him. " tell me why you're sad." he said. "i just.... i just dont get why everytime that i get into a relationship.. that it ends with a terrible ending, why can't it just be like a normal break up?" i said ready to burst into tears. "its just how it is baby, we can't just have everything how we want it to be... life isn't perfect you know." he said. i shook my head. " why were you friends with me in the first place?" i said looking deeply into his eyes. "because when i first saw you, you were beautiful, it was like you were the popular girl at school and i was just the ugly jerk at school. i didn't have much friends, because nobody liked me,i wanted to be your friend because i didn't want to be a loner, but at the moment when i looked at you, i knew that we were gonna be friends for a lifetime, and nothing will tear us apart... and look where we are at." he smiled. " i don't know why god put me here in the first place.. just to get hurt everytime that i get into a relationship?" i asked him. "god put you here for many reasons babe, for any bad things that happen to your relatives, you can help them, or when things go wrong with your parents, that your there for them." he said. i smiled. the light went green. we then went  driving to our location. Steven then put some music, some very good ones that i haven't heard. he danced to the music. i did also. {5 hours later} steven bought me some ice tea from starbucks, and he got one for himself also. a little bit later we stopped at this beautiful and i mean beautiful hotel, we then got out of the car , then steven took my hand with his, while he was sipping on his iced tea. we went inside and we did the stuff that we were supposed to do, then i remembered, weren't we going to just go to Orlando for like 3 hours or so? not a week? "steven why are we in a hotel if we are only going to stay here for 3 hours and then go back to my house?" i asked him. he then turned to me "i wanted to surprise you, and tell you if you wanted to stay with me here for a week or possibly more.... if you wanted."he smiled  i smiled, "let me call my mom" i said. " ok" he simply said. "Hi ariel!" my mom said screaming through the phone. " hi mom! steven surprised me with a hotel, and he asked me if i wanted to stay here for like a week or more, and i was wondering if that was alright with you?" i asked. " yea! thats fine honey! just make sure you stay safe!" she said. "ok! thanks bye mom!" i said. then i hung up. i ran up to steven, " my mom said i could stay for a week" i said. "ok well do you want to start going today to the rides and stuff? or do you want to stay here at the hotel and relax." he said. i thought about it.... hmmmm maybe i'll stay here for today and tomorrow we will travel around disney world. ok. " i would like to spend some time with you for today and then tomorrow we'll go travel around Disney,, k?" i said. he then nodded. i grabbed my suit case and i took out all my cloths then put it in the drawers, steven also did the same. After that i layed on my bed.. " so.. what do you want to do?" he asked. " lets watch shameless on netflix!" i said. he nodded his head . i got up from my bed and i grabbed my laptop, i layed back down and i opened up my laptop, i went on gogle and typed "netflix browse" i then clicked on it, i entered my mom's email, and i clicked on my account, and i searched up, " shameless ( U.S)" , i clicked on the first episode, steven layed down with me, and we both started to watch the show.....  after i dont know how many minutes pasted, we finished season 1 , and we wen't and continued to season 2 , like theres a lot of drama happening. i then felt a little sleepy, but i get it because it was like 11: 00 pm , we needed to wake up early to get ready tomorrow.  " i wanna go to sleep already, we need to wake up early tomorrow anyways." i said. he yawned, " i guess your right, and im tired too." he said. i then closed the tab, and i turned off my Macbook, and i put it away. i changed into my pajama shorts and a white tank top, i put my hair in a bun, and i layed down, i plugged in my iphone charger and i plugged the charger in my phone, i let it sit on the little desk thing that i have. " goodnight steven." i said. "goodnight, and i'll see you tomorrow," he said. i looked at him and he was already sleeping in his bed. i smiled. i then turned back, my eyes were slowly closing, before i knew it, i was already sleeping...... goodnight steven i love you...


Hey guys hoped you love my chapter as much as i enjoyed making it, let me know what you guys think about this chapter in the comment section! i love you guys! and have a wonderful day! BYE! 


whose your favorite character of shameless?

Who Should I Choose? [Babyariel Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora