Chapter 15

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Ariel's POV
I woke up and I saw Blake sleeping.. he looked so FRIKIN cute!! I carefully got up and I walked outside.. I saw Jonas on his phone.. so I went up to him "hey Jonas!" I said. "Oh. Hey Ariel!" He said with a cute smile.. "AWWWW!! Jonas your so adorable!!" I said laughing.. Jonas is like a brother too me.. he's so cool and adorable. "Hey! Jonas.. do you wanna come with me to the store? I just need to get some stuff." I asked Jonas. "Oh yea sure that's fine." He said.. getting up from his chair. "Ok Imma go tell Blake.brb!" I said.. then running to the door. I opened the door and I still saw Blake sleeping.. so I went up to him and started taping his shoulder and whispering "Blake!". He groaned.
I kissed his lips quickly. Then he woke up. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked me. "Oh... well I was gonna ask you if I can go to the store with Jonas." I asked. "Sure" he said. "Ok I'll be back in 15 minutes" I said. "Ok." Blake said. I hugged him and I kissed his cheek. I then went to where Jonas was, and I told him that Blake said yes. Then we started walking. I then saw a guy looking at me and whistled.. I looked at the guy with disgust.. I felt Jonas put his arm around my waist protecting me. "This is why I love you Jonas... your like a brother to me" I said sweetly. "Awwww,, thanks Ariel.. and I love you too." He said smiling. We finally arrived at the store... I got hot Cheetos with a lollipop, and Jonas got the same thing as me. We both paid....  then we started walking back to the house. (10 minutes later) we finally arrived. And I went to the door and opened it. I saw Blake watching spongebob,,  "Blake I'm here." I said. Then he turned around.. and smiled. I went back to the couch and I sat next to him.. we both started eating the hot Cheetos.
It was getting dark outside.. "hey do you wanna come to my house and have a sleepover?" Blake asked me. "Sure! Let me just ask my mom." I told him. "Ok" he responded. I then took out my phone unlocking it and calling my mom.. after 2 rings she answered. "Hey honey! What's up?" My mom said. "Hi mom! I was wondering if I could spend the night at Blake's house tonight?" I asked. "Sure! And I spoke to Blake's mom and we're all going to eat breakfast together at the our house.. so I'm fine with you sleeping over.." she said. "Ok thanks mom!" I said. "But just remember.. DONT do anything  too inappropriate.." my mom said. "Omg mom!" I said laughing. She laughed. "Ok well bye mom see you tomorrow!" I said. "Ok bye!" She said. Then I hung up. "Well my mom said yes." I said. "Well then lets go!" He said. I laughed. We walked outside and I started saying bye to everyone, so did Blake. Then we left to his car and drove off.
(12 minutes later) we arrived and I got out of the car. We walked inside his house. "Oh hi Ariel!" Blake's mom said. "Hi mrs. gray!" I said. "Well your mom told me about everything, and I'm fine with you sleeping over!" She said sweetly. "Ok thanks.. your so sweet!" I said  laughing. She laughed and said "well thank you!". Then I walked to Blake's room, I checked the clock and it was 10:56pm. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Blake asks. "Yea sure... but do you have some cloths that I can change into?" I asked. "Sure." He said. Then he started taking off his shirt.. "here you can wear this." He said giving me his shirt. "Ok thanks.. Imma go change in the bathroom." I said. He nodded his head. I went to the bathroom, and I took off my leggings and my shirt, then I changed into his shirt, I put it on.. it fitted big, it went up to my knees. I put my hair in a bun and I took off all my makeup with my makeup removal wipes (I thinks that's what their called lol) I got my cloths and I got out of the bathroom, and went to Blake's room.. he was on his his bed with shorts and no shirt. "I'm back.. where do I leave my cloths?" I asked him. "Umm you can put it on the floor it doesn't matter." He said. Looking at me. I put my cloths on the floor. I went to his bed and I sat down. "So what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" Blake asks. "Umm a funny movie..of any kind" I said. Then he put a random funny movie, "do you want popcorn?" He asks. "Yea." I said. "Ok" he said. Then he went to the kitchen and started making to the popcorn.
I decided I would do a, I did a random song.. I then put it on my privates. I heard someone open the door.. I saw Blake with a bowl of popcorn. "I'm back..." Blake said. He then sat down on the bed and played the movie... (1 hour later) the movie ended.. and it was pretty funny.... I started to get sleepy.. so I got underneath the cover and I layed down.. I heard Blake go underneath the cover too.. I grabbed my phone and I quickly went on snapchat and I put the dog face filter and I put the camera facing me and Blake... I laughed. Then I put the caption "sleeping over💖💖". I posted the snapchat video to my story... and I put my phone next to the pillow that I had. Blake turned off the lights. And I shut my eyes and I felt strong arms hugging my waist, Blake got closer to me and he whispered "goodnight Ariel." "Goodnight Blake." I said back. He then kissed my cheek then he started falling asleep.. I did too.

HEY GUYS!! SORRY!! I KNOW ITS A LATE CHAPTER BUT I HAD SO MUCH GOING ON IN SCHOOL SOO YEA!! I did this chapter hope you liked it. And if you did, comment, vote, and share. THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!! LOVE YOU MY BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!!❤️🌻🌻🌷🌹🌸🌷🌺

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