Chapter 30

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Ariel's POV

god I feel so bad.... tears are streaming down my face, currently it's 5:00am, and I can't sleep.. steven is sleeping with his arms wrapped around my waist, I then decided to take his arms off slowly off my waist, then I got up and went to the bathroom, i looked at my face in the mirror, i had bags under my eyes and i had tear stains on my cheeks, i looked at the shower curtain, i'm going to take a shower i thought to myself, so i turned on the water and i went back to the room and looked for cloths and such, i grabbed a black bra, and a sweater from steven, also some underwear. then i went back to the bathroom, and i took off the cloths that i was wearing, then jumped in the shower. (10 minutes later) I turned off the water and I dried my body, I then wrapped my hair with the towel, I put some lotion on, then I put on my cloths. obviously I put on underwear and a bra. I then unwrapped my hair, and then started brushing it. I didn't bother putting makeup on, I didn't feel like doing that. I went back to the room and I saw steven awake, " you ready to go?" he asked. I nodded. he then got up and went inside the bathroom, couple minutes later he came back, he grabbed some cloths and he changed. " alright let's go." steven said. then we got out of the hotel and we walked to the car, we got inside, "i hope he's ok" I said worried. " he'll be ok babe, I promise." steven said. we then drove off to the hospital, (30 minutes later) we then arrived at the hospital, I hurried inside, I walked to the front desk lady, "how may I help you?" the lady asked me. "umm i'm looking for what room Blake Gray is in." I said. she then looked at steven. " he's with me." I said. she nodded her head. " he will be on the 4th floor, and the room 165" the lady said to me. I nodded my head and I wet to the elevator, I pushed the button. I started fiddling with my hands, steven grabbed them, " it's ok, don't worry." he said. the elevator door then opened, and we got in, I pushed the button "4" and off we went. the elevator then dinged and e got out. I hurried to find the room 165. I then found it. I saw the whole crew from the door sitting in the waiting room. me and steven sat down and waited. hopefully this comes out goodi thought to myself....

VERY SHORT CHAPTER!! I KNOW BUT PLEASE FORGIVE ME... I love you all, if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote, share with your friends. add to library or reading list! muah! byeee

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