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Please note that you don't have to read the Prologue and you can skip to chapter one but this is where the back story is set and where a lot of hints are hidden. Enjoy!

The year 3033 seems to be the height for humanity's exploration. Life, for the ordinary human being is completely different from the years of before. Entering into a new millennium was perfect for new innovations to be undertaken. To grow even more than before.

Under one large coalition, made up of all the countries of the world, Earth became one unit and better than ever in 2745. This is where the world begins to heal.

The many problems of the 'old world' (many called it) such as wars, debt, poverty, world hunger, disease, crime, pollution, religious disputes were all destroyed and eradicated. Money was no longer such a large prerequisite for sustaining one's life. The world was perfect inside and out, with one exception.

Earth, is a perfect but small planet. Overpopulation became a problem that only increased as each day went by. In the days of the old world, around 300,000 children were born each day and 150,000 meet their fate. A 2 to 1 birth to death ratio.

Now, human life is perfect, unfortunately, too perfect. By 2775, 550,000 births were estimated each day and only 90,000 deaths. The World's Unification Coalition (WUC) knew it within themselves that Earth could not sustain the massive amount of population generated for long.

The next course of action was simple and the scientific community rejoiced. Science funding was turned to the maximum and the space program was now in full effect. School's budget went from free textbooks to free laptops. Scientists even experimented in brain development for students to make them smarter.

Everything in school was to push a child's learning to the max. The children were given a dietary plan filled with nutrients for healthier life and a better mind. Fitness was paramount to survive the harshness of space.

The world wasn't behind finding a new place to call home, the world was now interested in leaving and colonizing yet again for another prosperous world for humans to call home.

Education saw an immediate boost after a few years due to the enhanced learning courses. Children were all screened seeing a massive boost in intellectual standards. Brain functions were becoming faster when solving problems and children were seen to gain their cognitive functions earlier. Basically, children were becoming smarter and some may say even geniuses......naturally.

Many things were reduced to make the world more child accepting. They were given more responsibilities and all child labor laws were reduced or even removed. Children were now starting work, normally, at 14 to 15 years. They owned cars and homes at 16 and were more than likely finished with college by 18, statistics showed. The world's IQ even raised from 81 to 129.

Machines you only could imagine out of science fiction movies were being simulated, created, tested and launched out into space. Structures such as the space elevator was built in 10 years in Africa (due to the large space Africa contained even after overpopulation) and became operational in a few months by 2843.

Even normal things like clothing we're taken to another level with a new cloth. While citizens saw space as a hostile environment (which it is) manufacturers decided to make a more durable form of clothing for the soon to be colonists in their impending hostile environments.

Graphene and Kevlar were seen to be the cloth of tomorrow and manufacturers decided to use them to their best abilities by combining the two along with others (nylon, silk, cotton) calling the new cloth Ravenweave. They produced clothing lines such as 'Soaring' 'Skull' and 'Space candy' along with many more coming in vests, shirts, pants, under garments, even in shoes and hats proving to be quite comfortable and very durable.

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