Chapter 7: Bullets and Arrows

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Date – January 24th 3035

Time – 9:23pm

System – Outer Rim system Alpha

Planet – -unknown-

Location – -Mountain Range-

Status – Stock taking must commence

Everyone walked together in silence. A foreboding silence. Justin's group didn't trust Jaden's and Jaden's had no reason to trust Justin's group. But, Jaden and Justin walked together as they came to the east entrance of the clearing.

"Here." Jaden looked over to Justin.

"Here?" Justin nodded.

"We crash landed a few days ago so...don't expect anything fancy yet." Jaden shrugged.

"I didn't grow up fancy. The princess however...she only deserves the best."

"I don't understand. Why were you guys in the outer rim?" Jaden sighed and held his head.

"She...she likes adventure. She's tired of just looking pretty for the WUC."

Before the WUC was formed, governments worked independently to keep their nations sustained. Republic, democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, it didn't matter. After the WUC was made it didn't matter if you were a president or a king, you were now sort of considered a governor.

Whoever was the highest in power such as the president of the United States you kept your title but really you were now more of a governor of the WUC. Some even referred to you as a figure head. A miniature version of the WUC for that area.

Princess Chandi was the latest descendant of Queen Elizabeth the II. She's seen as a very important person but really...she's just another pretty face talking for the WUC.

Justin took a look at the princess, she was put on a makeshift stretcher carried by Amber and Zilo. Justin sighed and looked over to Jaden. "What's wrong?" Jaden asked.

"We didn't have much food before. Now, we have more mouth's to feed." Jaden was a bit shocked. He thought Justin was going to have them kicked out as soon as possible but Justin had already considered them a part of the family.

"We...don't wanna put a burden on you all."

"There's no burden at all, we just have to figure out how we're gonna get more food. Your people, they can work right?"

"They're soldiers, and so am I. We're ready to work and die for the princess. Just...make sure she's safe if we have to lay down our lives for her."

Justin smirked. "She sounds, pretty important to you."

"What? Of course she is. She's the princess."

"Not in that way." Justin took Jaden by shock again and got to the door. "Alright, everyone inside. Let's get warm and get some food for our friends."

As everyone got comfortable around the fire, Zilo and Amber were tending to Chandi's cuts. Night fell and Justin started preparing the last of the survival meals and berries. Now, they only have enough food for breakfast tomorrow.

Justin passed around the plates and forks. Tonight was a lot of mixed meals because Justin had to cut down on what everyone could get tonight so there would be at least something for tomorrow.

"Alright, eat up and...let's hear your stories." Justin said. Jaden and his friends seemed a bit confused.

"Why are you guys helping us? When we saw life on this planet we thought it wasn't gonna be friendly." Amber said.

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