Chapter 20: Negotiations

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Date – April 7th 3035

Time – 1:43pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – Acquainted

"We should meet, shall I come to you or...?" The woman over the communication link, Acacia she said her name was, asked as everyone still stared at the array of computer screens. Covy opened her mouth to speak but Justin stopped and answered instead.

"We'd prefer if you come to us."

"Alright, I'll make my way there. I'm tracking you via your uplink so I'll find my way. Just...don't shoot on sight. I prefer to be able to walk away after we talk." Right there and then the uplink went quiet and everyone looked around.

As much as everyone was very confident in Covy, they all doubted that it would work. Their circumstances aren't ever good and they thought that it would stay that way.

So far on the planet they've experienced nothing but trials and tribulations. The huge wolves, the brothers holding Addis hostage, the tribes attacking, the tribe in the swamp, the Federation and now this?

How could Justin simply presume that they're really who they are? They could come to their home now and cut all of their throats but Justin wasn't about to let it happen. There's a reason why he asked for Acacia to come to him.

Justin and Addis stood at the base of the mountain. Outside of the wall's protection, they wouldn't be able to run to safety if whatever got to close.

But standing out there in the cold they finally saw a few figures coming towards them in the distance. Justin looked at Addis and she returned the glace. It was filled with doubt and complimented with a bit of fear.

They've been waiting outside in this position for about ten minutes but they've been preparing for Acacia's arrival for a while. Its been a day since they've gotten the transmission from Acacia. Now, they stand ready to meet this so called leader.

She was coming ever closer. Finally in range to see her features Justin took note. She wasn't very tall but she had some height, about six feet. Her hair, fishtail braided, going all the way down her back.

She wore an army camouflage crop top and skinny jeans that she rolled up slightly to see her ankles and, finally, she wore...slippers?

Justin, observant as always, already seen that Acacia's life is easy going. Her shape was all around perfect and she walked with her hips swaying. It showed she wasn't worried about much.

But Justin didn't under estimate her one bit. He took notice of the pistol she held in her hand. One of the Glock variants. She also had four men following her. Big, rugged, bulky men that seemed to be more than happy following her around.

They walked in two lines behind her and they were armed with assault rifles. M4A1 models that could blow holes into wood and even iron. Acacia must have some army at her disposal but she didn't fire as soon as she saw Justin so he took that as a good sign.

She had a smile on her face. A very disarming one that makes you think of the normal things of life. She seems like the perfect girl you'd wanna talk to just to brighten your day.

She waved at them with the hand she held the gun in. It told Justin she was comfortable with a gun. Mostly, that she fired one more than once.

Finally, after her long trot she came and stood in front of Justin and Addis. "Hi there." She said with that smile. Justin didn't reply. Addis looked over to him and shook her head.

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