Chapter 19: Hello, my name is Acacia

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Date – March 3rd 3035

Time – 10:23am

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – Not...alone?

Justin couldn't hold out any longer and he decided he needed to remind Covy that Aria's on a timer. Although the dosage of whatever medicine was inside of that needle has yet to wear off it eventually would have too.

Justin wanted a plan of action, he wanted to know what was the next step for Aria's life. Were they going to hopelessly continue to scavenge the wreck for more and more or were they going to let Aria live as long as possible?

Quite frankly, Covy had thought about the next step long before Justin.

Justin knocked on Covy's workshop door and entered, he saw her hard at work looking at some substance inside of a beaker. She was carefully adding ingredients to it, powders and other liquids.

Finally, Covy took notice of Justin's presence. "Oh, hey Justin, sorry um...come in I wanna show you something."

He looked over her shoulder to see she had broken open one of the needles. A drop under a microscope on one part of the table, the same amount in a test tube on another and the rest inside of the beaker.

"Where the hell did you get chemistry equipment?" Justin asked.

"Well, I had some on the Dauntless but most of these I made right here." She shrugged and continued what she was doing.

Justin continued to look over her shoulder, confused as ever. Covy then realized her bad habit of presuming everyone knew what she was doing was taking affect again and she chuckled.

"Um...I'm trying to make whatever this is inside the needles." Justin stood up straight and gave a long "Oh" finally understanding.

"Its not that hard apparently. I can't make it from scratch but I can expand it."

"How exactly are you gonna do that?"

"Well," Covy pulled out another needle and placed it on the table before her then she brought the microscope a little closer so Justin could peer inside.

Inside, the microscope unveiled the microscopic world of the contents of the needles. At first, Justin didn't see much but after some fine tuning it showed small, blue, ball like items floating around. They were soft and plush at first then spikes poked out of them on all sides.

Justin didn't really understand what this meant for expanding the formula for whatever was inside the needle but he was surely curious after what he saw.

Covy then introduced the needle again. After making sure it was clean she injected herself with it pulling out a small amount of her blood. Justin raised his eyebrow in question. "You really think you should be giving out blood right now?"

Covy rolled her eyes and dropped a bit of her blood on the drop of the injection. Justin looked through the microscope again wondering how the substance would react.

The balls were joined by Covy's red blood cells. One ball, that previously had spikes engulfing it now seemed to be more tame and docile. It slowly went inside of the lobe where the red blood cells held oxygen before and stayed there.

After a few moments the red blood cell grew over the ball making a slightly bigger, purplish, ball. Then, the purple ball decompressed and a countless amount of blue balls rolled out of it. This happened for each red blood cell and blue ball.

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