Chapter 22: Devil One

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Date – April 15th 3035

Time – 9:10pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – Reunited

Manlin has only been in the colony for a day and its a miracle how she instantly connected with the kids. Aria and Jamie loved Manlin and she loved them. Other than watching the kids Manlin was often seen tending to the farm or picking berries from the harvest.

The cold was starting to get to the colonists. A light snow had started so Justin thought up of using their ability to make charcoal to create standing torches around the compound. It didn't help much but around the cave entrance and in the tower it surely had some impact.

Justin and Brent were spending their time examining the map of Devil one and it seemed that it was nothing but a fortress. It was the power house of the Federation operation because the map was highly detailed.

Acacia did say the map was very accurate but it was still flawed because they never entered the base. Either way Justin would have to figure out how to attack the compound with the smallest amount of risk possible.

The Devil one compound is cemented between three large hills. One large one to the south which many helipads are placed along with a large building. This building may hold many of the Federations VTOL aircraft along with a considerable amount of ammunition.

On the hills to the base's west and east held watch towers with possible snipers inside of them, mounted turrets such as automatic grenade launchers, 105mm auto loaders and miniguns along with mortars and men to man all of them. The Federation obviously want to keep their assets safe.

But they housed most of their protection on the hills surrounding Devil one. The entrance into the compound was simply guarded by a few jeeps with a few mounted guns on them and a guard post allowing personnel in and out of the compound.

It could be easily over run and destroyed if they simply charge in from that angle but...that's too predictable. Its so easy and it was that way for a reason.

Brent was no tactical genius but he thought it would be easier just to charge forward through the guard post and they'll be in the compound but Justin argued that it didn't matter if they were inside of the compound.

"Would you follow a man into battle knowing you'll be surrounded by guns on all sides as you run through a choke point?" Justin asked and Brent caught onto the ploy the Federation had set.

"Here's what we do. We wait for the cover of night. A small amount of men, about fifteen or so scale the west and east hills as another small group...maybe twenty this time, scale the south hill. The west and east teams kill the guards on top of the hills and take control of the weapons as the team on the south hill ensures no aircraft take off or land. Then, our entire force stay ready for anyone to barrage through the gate."

"So...a siege?"

"Call it encircling. If we take the guns they can't even get outside without a fight. We take the helipads and they can't get away via air and we're ready to charge the front gate when we're comfortable."

"Sounds like a plan."

"You're gonna lead fourteen guys up the western hill. I'll go up the eastern hill and Addis will take the southern."

"Who'll lead the damn charge then?" Brent said wanting to lead it for himself.

"I'll give that to Amber...she's a princess you know."

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