Chapter 23: Entering the Gates of Hell

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Date – April 17th 3035

Time – 11:00pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – Ready to strike

"Hyper team in position..."

"Roger, Red Legion in position. Tracking three boogies fifteen meters in front of me."

"Understood, Gold team in position. Spearhead...waiting for your go."

"Understood, all teams you have permission to engage...good luck."

Radio chatter kicked off the operation. The bulk of the army was still concealed at the entrance of the compound about two hundred meters from the guard post. Acacia had snipers watching every guards' movements.

Amber and Covy glanced at each other giving that last look of worry plastered over their faces. "Here we go." Covy said timidly.

Justin and his team slowly went up the hill. No one knows if the plasma rifles can be silenced so they had to take down any enemy soldier quietly with knives or their bare hands.

They got up the hill and got behind a barricade for cover. The hill top was dark and filled with ammo and weapons but crawling with Federation. With five men including Fore eyes, Justin looked around from the barricade. He decided the men knew what they were doing and said "Disperse and engage".

They split up and started killing soldier after soldier. Aiming for the soft mesh in the around the joints and the neck, the soldiers don't stand much of a chance on Justin's side.

On the eastern hill, Brent is covering the mouth of one of the Federation soldiers to keep him quiet as he slowly lets him bleed out from the neck. The only remaining soldiers were inside the tower and Brent signaled for Snail and his men to move up on it.

Snail and two of his men slowly went up the steps to the tower and peered at the non-the-wiser soldier. Stepping up to take him out silently, the last step to the wooden structure creaked.

The soldier turned quickly and saw Snail and his men coming up the stairs. "What the-" He didn't even allow himself to finish and he dove for his rifle he foolishly set down. Snail did the same but the soldier got there first.

They struggled for the weapon and Snail's men dived in to help. They got the rifle away from him as the soldier continued to struggle. Snail revealed his large army knife, ready to finish him off.

But the soldier had one last card to play.

He pulled all the pins for the grenades strapped to his chest. Snail could only shout "Grenade!!!!".

The tower went up in a puff of smoke and it lite the tower on fire. It was a huge beacon that screamed the mission was compromised. Justin's tower wasn't clear yet and Addis hasn't even got to the top of the hill.

The two men inside the tower to the west hill by Justin were distracted by the fire to the east and Justin decided it was the best time to put the plan into action.

"Go loud! Open fire!!!!" Justin fired at the tower killing both guards and he commanded his team to get on the turrets. Federation soldiers ran around frantically trying to pick up weapons and finding cover as Justin's side of the hill started firing large caliber rounds over their heads.

Brent and a few of his soldiers were trying to pull Snail and the two other men out of the blaze but it wasn't much of a point, they were dead and done with thanks to the Federation soldier. Brent then told everyone to turn their attention to raining fire on the Federation below.

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