Chapter 21: Old Friend

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Date – April 7th 3035

Time – 5:57pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – Acquainted

Justin rushed everyone to pick up there weapons and ready themselves. Giving the order that even Athena is to come, Justin quickly regrets it finding that no one is able to watch Jamie and Aria.

After a very intense game of rock, paper, scissors Brent lost and he was tasked with babysitting. Complaining that they rather take Athena than him Justin justified it by saying she needs the experience, which was true.

Justin and Jaden both took Oscar under their wings. Not expecting a fight, they told him that if the going ever got tough to pick up a gun and fight back. That's exactly what Oscar did but he was reckless. Never took cover, fired longer than he needed to and he died for it.

To avoid another Oscar incident, Justin constantly pushes Athena under Amber's protection and guidance. Not too surprisingly, Amber can give the motherly love and the guidance of a stronger, older woman to Athena.

Now, Justin knew he was doing the right thing even with this mission, to save the presumed captured Manlin it would give Athena a chance to fire a gun at someone who was legitimately bad. She would have to learn...or follow the same path Oscar had went down.

They packed food, water and a few medical supplies. With Acacia's help, they started their jog to this hideout. It was anything but an easy road.

Justin and Amber paid close attention to Athena. It was freezing cold and a light rain begun. The rain felt like water straight out of a freezer. On occasion, some of Acacia's men complained that it would turn to sleet soon enough by which Acacia quickly referred to Athena. She never complained once.

They stopped to make camp. Night fell right before they got to the forest Covy and Amber came to before. Unfortunately, Acacia warned that it wouldn't be wise to continue moving to the forest in the night.

It was pitch black, you would need someone to spark a torch and, unless you wanna be seen, you'd never want to light a fire at night. It would easily get you noticed and eventually killed.

After a while, Amber took notice to Acacia. "Aren't you cold?"

"No," She responded. "I'm use to it. I slept on the dark side of the planet before...that's real cold."

They bundled up and Acacia's men handed out blankets and set up a tarp to cover them. It wasn't much but it was something to keep them from getting wet.

The next morning it seemed everyone had woken up all at the same time. They heard beating of drums and chanting from afar. "Sammy! Hit the tarp!" Acacia quietly shouted.

One of the soldiers Acacia had following her quickly kicked the stick holding the tarp up. It covered them but now it was lower to the ground. No one moved and listened.

"What the hell is that?" Covy asked.

"Don't move...Sammy, go check it out." The man roll out from underneath the tarp and looked around.

"Its fine...come out." They came out from underneath and looked around cautiously. A large group of people were walking into the forest. They were beating makeshift drums, shouting and making odd noises.

They wore little to no clothes, only loin clothes and had white markings on their bodies but they didn't seem interested in their group. They didn't even seem to have seen them.

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