Chapter 4: The Will to Survive

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Date – January 22nd 3035

Time – 8:29pm

System – Outer Rim system Alpha

Planet – -unknown-

Location – -Landing point-

Status – Separated

Jamal stared through his scope as he tried to control his breathing looking at the red eyes. They glowed in the dark and seemed more menacing behind the grass. Three pairs of eyes were all staring at Jamal and, instead of cutting loose on all of them with the carbine, he withheld his fire. He knew he couldn't.

He didn't know what these things were let alone if firing first would solve this situation, so, he waited and stared back trying not to show fear.

About a minute passes by. The rain wouldn't let up and only added to the darkness of night and...he got fed up. "Well...make a move..." He whispered.

He heard a growl.

"You heard me...make a move..." Another one, it sounded more like a disturbed bark.

"I'm waiting...right here...I don't know what you are but you sure as hell don't look out and-" The beasts took their time and stepped forward. Slowly they appeared from the tall grass.

Two had black coats and the other had a shiny white coat. They stepped forward only revealing themselves to continue staring. Jamal, for one of the first times in his life, flinched with fear. Three huge wolf like creatures stepped from the grass. They weren't wolves though. They couldn't be. They're more...advanced than that.

These beasts stood tall. They easily reached Jamal's elbows and if they they stood on their forelegs they could easily tower over him. Their eyes run red like blood and their coats were shiny. Their fangs and claws were longer than usual. They were even milk white.

The creatures even seemed...intelligent. Otherwise, why would they simply be staring at Jamal? They've yet to attack, only explanation is that they would wanna intimidate him. Unfortunately, it was working.

They slowly stepped forward bearing their fangs with their constant growling. Jamal didn't step back, he didn't know if he was standing his ground or frozen in fear but he stood there. "Stay...back..." The beasts didn't listen and eased forward.

But Manlin got out of the tent and called out. "Jamal?" She didn't notice the beasts that stood before him and they turned their heads to face her. They growled and showed off their red eyes.

Their attention was completely on Manlin now. She was utterly frozen in fear and barely breathed. The beasts kept their eyes on her just waiting for their prey to run but they heard a click.

Jamal slowly turned off the safety trying not make a sound but they heard and turned towards him. They snapped their jaws closed and ran towards Jamal and he shouted. "Get down!!!"

Manlin dove down and Jamal fired hitting the two black ones. They scampered back but the white beast tried to pounce on Jamal. He swung the carbine like a bat striking the wolf in it's face. It flew back and landed on its side.

The wolf shook it's head wildly and growled at him. Jamal sprayed bullets but it didn't stop it pouncing on top of Jamal. It bit the barrel of the carbine and violently swung its head to get it out of Jamal's hand.

Eventually Jamal couldn't hold on any more and the wolf got what it wanted. He flung it to the side and growled one more time. Jamal took no time to give the wolf a few punches right in the jaw but it didn't affect the wolf much. It tried to bite Jamal's neck but he held it back by holding both its jaws open with his hands.

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