Chapter 26: His Messenger

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Date – April 25th 3035

Time – 12:50pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – XF42319D

Location – HeartPool

Status – Desperate

Amber, Acacia and Justin looked over the massive amount of people calling themselves an army.

From two hundred plus soldiers to over a thousand soldiers and even more civilians. Apparently the tribes brought the wife and kids along with them not trusting to leave them home. At this time we could all see that the Federation- the so called Federation, had a bigger grasp on the world than they once had thought.

The fearless tribes that prefers to die rather than lose to their enemy is too scared to leave their precious items at home and have actually decided to team up with other factions. They know they can't win.

Its not like all problems subsided though. Although the soldiers that turned to their side were competent enough to wield a gun the tribes men were to stubborn to even try one. Now, more than half of their army was going to be charging into battle with spears, bows and arrows on horseback.

But where Justin saw doubt, Amber saw opportunity. It maybe true that spears, swords and bows aren't going to punch through armor but if they're able to storm the position with the tribes leading the charge they could distract them long enough to advance with the real weapons.

Using them as human meat shields was an idea many wouldn't find suitable or ethical but that was the plan and it was what they were going to have to do.

They had nothing but where the location of the base was. Eclipse was shrouded in mystery seeing that it was on the dark side of the planet never being able to see the sun and seeing that where they were now its already cold and snowing it must be unbearable.

They wore thick jackets and everything on them was insulted from the socks on their feet to the hats on their heads and they drove off. Tribesmen told their children and wives good bye, Acacia's soldiers doing the same along with Justin and the rest promised Aria and Jamie they'd come back.

The journey was long...

It was its own type of torture. The silence, wondering if you were going to live or die. Wondering if the person next to you would make it. What's going to meet you there you, name it.

Nothing was left behind. Every single transport, the stolen aircraft were being flown over head, the tanks were being driven behind them accept for the larger and much slower one. Nothing was left out because they could barely afford the battle as it is now.

Amber, Manlin, Covy and Acacia all sat inside a jeep together silently becoming more and more afraid as they drew closer to the dark side.

Justin, Addis Athena and Brent were inside of an Osprey looking down at the convoy of jeeps, trucks, tanks and horses. It looked like a very hipster version of an army.

"Hey," Justin tapped Athena on her shoulder and put on a reassuring smile. "you okay?" Athena barely responds nodding her head. She wasn't okay, you could tell but...who was okay?

The world around them was changing. Snow became heavier and the winds started getting harder. Nights were becoming longer and longer as they were coming closer to their goal. The convoy was only able to move forward by finding a neatly placed dirt road that had to be the Federation's doing.

Now, the sun was gone and darkness ruled this place.

You wouldn't shiver you would die of hypothermia just like forty of the soldiers did.

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