Chapter 2: Abandon Ship

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Date – January 22nd 3035

Time – 5:55pm

System – Outer Rim system Alpha

Planet – -damaged scanners-

Location – -damaged scanners-

Status – 72.2% of ship's hull is optimal, 67% of ships propulsion destroyed

The ship was in shambles and leaking fuel very quickly. Justin and Jamal sat on the floor of the bridge as Manlin and Addis tried to get the ship running from the computers. Covy was in the back trying to do repairs on her own with scraps of metal to cover small holes leaking oxygen to space.

Justin peered over to the blue giant yet again and continued to look around the ship as if he was already broken and in a daze. Jamal spoke up. "If we die......what do you think we'll die from first?" He asked casually.

Justin mentally cringed at the statement but he knew that's how Jamal was naturally. He didn't see a morbid question he saw a good question everyone could ponder on. Justin just kept his calm and cool composure to keep everyone else from freaking out.

Manlin didn't like it though. "We're not gonna die...right?" She asked everyone.

"We'll probably die from lack of oxygen first if the generators can't produce enough from the water below the ship. Maybe dehydration...look on the bright side I guess..." Addis said.

"What bright side? The star that's about to fry us?" Addis chuckled at Manlin's statement.

"Let's just be glad that we won't have to worry about crashing into the sun because we'll be dead long before that happens but I don't plan on dying or having anyone die so help out you two." Justin scoffed.

"How?" Addis turned around to give Justin a bit of a devious smile.

"Well, if you just look here you can see I've gotten one of the back engines to work. All we really need is one photon engine to give us a really good shove and we can get on the planet...maybe today? Tomorrow?" She shrugged.

"And...our job is?" She chuckled.

"You two are going on a little walk." Manlin turned around to give the final word.

Addis took Justin and Jamal to the armory of the ship. She threw the spacesuits into their arms and gave a quick "Suit up." expression. After a fair few minutes they were both in their suits and Addis was quickly adjusting their controls and pulling straps for comfort.

Addis stood in front of the two as they were looking more cumbersome than she expected. After a little giggle she pulls out her holopad and runs the simulation of what they presume should work through the hyper computer.

"Alright, all you have to do is a bit of patch work on the mono-propellant boosters and, in theory," She said sarcastically knowing it would work. "we can turn the ship and then use the last bit of our fuel to get us to one of the planets......or at least their gravitational field."

Justin and Jamal nodded and did a few checks before stepping into the damaged airlock of the Dauntless, or what was left of it. Justin and Jamal waited for the go ahead, soon, they were in space with wielding equipment and a few abstract tools to repair the mono-propellant boosters of the ship.

After about a half an hour Justin and Jamal finished 3 of the boosters. They were careful with the electronics inside as they reconnected wires and sewed torn ones together again basically mending the small wounds of the boosters they could actually fix.

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