Chapter 2

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I still remember the exact morning when we met Jaime. Mike and I were on the playground, talking about Waiting for Godot when Jaime walked over. He had crazy spiked up brown hair even then and ran up to us.He was smiling and seemed to draw Mike in instantly as he approached.

"Hey, I'm Jaime, can I play? What are we playing?" Jaime practically yelled cheerfully.

"Oh, um, we're not really playing anything. I'm Mike," Mike replied almost instantaneously, shoving Waiting for Godot back into my Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack.

"Wanna play football?" Jaime responded mainly to Mike, completely ignoring me.

"Sure," Mike grinned at Jaime, racing after him onto the, main part of the playground.

"But, Mike, I thought we were going to-" I spoke softly before he ran off, trailing off and looking down at my scuffed converse.

"Maybe later, Tone," Mike responded, looking out at the playground with a smile, seemingly mesmerized by the game currently going on, although I thought it looked kind of frightening.

"But, Mike, you know how nervous I get of playing football-" I persisted, nibbling on my lower lip and playing with the bottom of my shirt.

"Well, that's not fair, Tony, I want to play football," Mike told me, his soft brown eyes hardening and crossing his arms.

"O-okay," I replied, my lip trembling as I sat on the cold cement, setting my backpack down.I stared out across the playground, watching as Mike and Jaime ran across the pitch, smiling together. 

Mike didn't even hear me; by this time he was across the playground playing football and laughing with Jaime. For the rest of the day, Jaime and Mike sat together in class and at Lunch didn't sit with me in our usual spot. I had to sit alone and I didn't eat anything. Mike knew my mother often forgot to make lunch for me to take to school (as she had on that day) and so he usually let me share his. I saw him sharing his marshmallow fluff sandwich with Jaime and looked away, feeling my stomach growl. I pulled Waiting for Godot out of my backpack and began to read it, but it wasn't much fun without Mike.

After school, I tried to walk home with Mike how we always did, but he walked ahead, leaving me to trail behind all the way. Eventually, when we got to the pavement outside our houses next door to each other, I took Mikes arm.

"Mikey, are you still my best friend?" I asked him.

Mike looked slightly guilty, but nevertheless he just shook his head and ran indoors, leaving me crying at the side of the road.

That was five years ago now and now we're both sixteen. Not much has changed I guess, Mike and Jaime are still best friends and the most popular kids in our school. I don't have many friends at our school, just Kellin, but we don't mind. It's nothing like my friendship was with Mike, but Kellin's still my best friend. One thing that has changed is that my mother has progressed to stage three lung cancer, but she's okay I guess.

Just then, Kellin came over to where I stood against the wall next to my classroom to meet me for lunch.

"Hey, Tone, you ready to go?" Kellin asked me, smiling in his own shy way.

"Yeah, sure," I responded, snapping out of my thoughts and following him.

A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Future chapters will be longer.

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