Chapter 7

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, stretching and yawning. I looked around me and immediately recognised it as Mike's room. It was comforting and familiar, reminding me of a million memories; working on our 6th grade science project, having a sleepover together every day of the summer and playing make believe for hours.
I burrowed deeper into the sheets which smelt like Mike, a mixture of detergent and cologne. Just then, Mike walked in.
"Morning, Tone," he smiled, taking a sweater from his closet and putting it on.
"Good morning," I mumbled sleepily.
"Want to go get some breakfast?" He asked, as I climbed out of his bed, still wearing my suit, minus my shoes which lay at the foot of the bed.
"Sure, I just got to get ready," I laughed, blushing.
"Yeah, of course, you can borrow some of my clothes if you want. I'll see you downstairs," he responded, before exiting the room.
After he left, I picked out his black Drop Dead tank top and some skinny jeans, before going to the bathroom to finish up getting ready.
"Ready to go, Tone?" He asked me with a smile as I came downstairs.
"Yeah, sure," I accepted, admiring his smile.
Mike and I walked to the cafe a few streets away.
"So how have you been recently?" I asked, as we sat down.
"Pretty good and you?" Mike spoke sipping his coffee.
"Um, I don't know," I responded, looking down at the table and pushing up my glasses. I had been wearing my glasses all the time recently. Even the simplest amounts of effort, such as putting in my contact lenses, seemed so pointless and trivial all of a sudden.
"Sorry, that was a stupid question," Mike blustered, going a shade of pink and covering it with his hands, which was adorable.
"It's okay," I told him, smiling at how cute he looked.
Just then the waiter came over with pancakes for Mike and a bagel for me.
"So are you doing anything tonight?" Mike wanted to know, cutting into his pancakes.
"No, probably not," I responded, chuckling dryly.
"You should come to my cousin Nick's football game with Kellin and Vic," he suggested smiling.
"Um, okay, what time?" I asked.
"Around seven if that's okay," he told me.
"Sounds good," I replied, finishing my bagel.
"Alright, well I better get going, I'll see you tonight. I'll send Vic round to yours with my old football sweater later so you can support the team,"Mike told me, standing up and giving me a quick one armed hug before leaving.
I smiled as I was pulled into his embrace, feeling that same comfortable feeling I always got.
Later that night, I was stood in front of the mirror pulling on Mike's old football sweater. It was warm and smelt exactly like him, giving me butterflies as I thought of Mike. It was kind of huge on me and hung off my bare shoulders, the sleeves hanging past my hands, forming sweater paws over them. I adjusted my glasses as I heard a knock at the door. I was excited to see Mike, but I was scared other people from school would be there and they hated me.
And I knew it.
I opened it to reveal Kellin, who immediately pulled me into a hug. I loved that about Kellin; he never asked me how I was doing. Instead, he knew me better than I knew myself and if I wasn't doing alright, he'd wrap his arms around me and I could hold him close.
"Tone, it will be fun. Don't be too sad, you'll be okay," Kellin smiled, looking up at me and rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.
"I don't think I can go, Kell," I told him, biting my lip and looking down at my scuffed converse.
"Why not?" He sighed.
"They all hate me," I replied honestly.
"No they don't, Tony. Please just do this one brave thing for me,"
I accepted, an idea suddenly entering my brain.
"Okay, what is it?" Kellin responded, smiling at the fact I had agreed.
"You have to kiss Vic," I instructed, "Trust me on this one, Kell,"
Kellin sighed, but nodded and gave me a a small smile as he led me across to his car.
A/N: thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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