Chapter 4

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I felt the breeze rush through my hair as I swung backwards and forwards on the swing set in Mike's back yard. I smiled at Mike next to me, swinging back and forward in tandem with me. Just then, he jumped from the swinging landing in the soft green grass.
"Hey, Tone, jump," Mike giggled, getting up off the ground and grinning at me.
I looked down at the ground swinging below me and began to feel nervous, suddenly noticing how high up I was.
"I-I can't," I responded, biting on my lip out of nervous habit.
"Sure, you can Tony, here I'll catch you," he smiled reassuringly.
"Okay," I nodded, his smile causing me to beam. I pushed my legs out and slid off the seat, falling through the air for a split second before feeling Mike's arms lock around me.
We both started giggling, causing us to fall to the floor. Slowly, his voice began to fade.
I was suddenly jolted from my dream. It was a memory, but it felt so real.
I breathed out slowly, staring at the ceiling. After about an hour, I gave up trying to go back to sleep and started thinking.
It had been one week and two days since my mother passed away. School was okay today and Kellin and Vic talked a lot. I think they understood I was okay with it not being with me. They thought I was okay until our fourth class of the day, when I started crying softly. It was the kind of silent crying that happened when you knew you shouldn't cry at all. No one knew why and a few people laughed. Our teacher obviously thought she knew why, but none of my class mates did. Kellin said nothing, but slung his backpack over one shoulder and led me out by the wrist, tears still streaming down my face. Once outside the classroom, I leant against the wall and Kellin rubbed my shoulder until my sobs subsided somewhat.
"Tony, we'll go for a walk. Let's get Vic and then we won't have to be here for a while," he sighed, walking down the corridor next to me.
"Wait here okay?" He smiled softly, before rounding the corner and leaving me on my own for a moment.
He soon returned with Vic in tow, who gave me a quick hug as we set off, leaving the school grounds. Kellin and Vic let me take the lead, walking behind and giving me space. I walked the sun soaked pavement, knowing exactly where I was headed.
"The graveyard?" Vic whispered softly as we arrived at the wrought iron gates.
I nodded, clinging onto a pole at the gates and staring through at the tombstones.
I knew I wouldn't come back here when my mother was buried. It wouldn't be like seeing her, she wouldn't smile or talk. I wouldn't even see her face. Kellin and Vic sat down on the grassy bank at the edge and I began walking tightrope style along the other edge, picking up violet flowers as I went. I watched as the petals fell gently from the stem in the steady breeze, feeling another tear fall with it. Slowly, I walked across the graveyard, tracing my fingertips over the tops of each headstone and reading each name, until I couldn't handle it anymore and sprinted back over to Kellin and Vic.
A/N: hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Sorry this is kinda short.

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