Chapter 12

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It was around eleven at night now and I was still at the hospital with Tony. He had been feeling upset and scared all day, but I eventually managed to cheer him up by putting on Star Wars for him. Just then, the film ended and Tony looked a little sleepy.
"Tone, it's late you should get to sleep soon," I told him gently.
"I can't sleep, I'm too scared," he whispered, blushing in embarrassment.
"That's okay, Tone," I assured him.
"Do you remember when we would watch horror movies in secret together when we were younger and you couldn't sleep afterwards?" I asked him, reminiscing about our childhood.
"Oh yeah," Tony giggled blushing.
"And I would always calm you down by playing with your hair," I spoke, my voice getting quieter.
"Please don't leave yet, Mike," he begged, taking my hand in his.
"I won't," I replied, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
"Thanks, Mikey," he mumbled, giving me a smile that made me feel unbelievably happy. I felt so much like it was my fault he was in here. If I had just stood up to Jaime for him, he wouldn't have felt so upset and I never should have left him out by the tree.
I sat on the bed, pulling him into my arms and cuddling him close against my chest.
"It's okay, go to sleep, Tone," I told him, laying down and wrapping my arm around his waist. I began to run my fingers through his hair, playing with each dark strand in an attempt to help him sleep. Before I knew it, his breathing slowed and he began to snore slightly, having fallen fast asleep. I smiled at the sight and disentangled myself from him, standing up from the bed. Leaving the darkened hospital room for the night.
A/N: short chapter but thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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