Chapter 10

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It was the morning after the football game and I was feeling bad about leaving Tony on the hill last night, so I decided to go and check on him. I crossed the lawn over to his house and rang the doorbell. I heard it echo through the house, but there was no response. I rang it again, shivering a little in the cold morning air. This was one of the coldest days we'd had all year. After knocking and ringing the doorbell repeatedly to no response, I was struck by the thought that Tony might still be by the hill.
I jogged behind my house and up the hill. As I neared the tree, I could clearly see a figure laying among the uncut grass riddled with daisies. I ran over and sure enough it was Tony. He lay eerily still and quiet, the only sound surrounding us being the quiet rustle of the trees. Fear settled deep in the depths of my stomach as I looked at his pale, expressionless face. He lay with one arm above his head, his fingers curled into the palm of his hand. His hair was plastered against his forehead and he was facing toward the tree, meaning I couldn't see his face. He was still wearing my jumper although it looked blackened with large rips in it and was covered in patches of mud. The umbrella lay near him, the top part shredded, exposing the metal frame and his glasses lay in tact a short distance away from him.
I was confused as to what could've possibly happened to him and rushed closer to see if he was okay.
"Tony?" I spoke tentatively, noticing he was clearly unconscious when there was no reply.I knelt by his side, relieved to see his chest moving up and down with each breath. I put the back of my hand to his forehead and he felt ice cold upon my touch. I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance, quickly stripping off my jacket and laying it over him to try and conserve his body heat.
Just then, the operator answered my call and I hurriedly recited all of my details and what had happened to Tony. The operator calmly told me to keep him as warm as possible before hanging up.
I cradled his body close to me for warmth, feeling him go limp in my arms. I went to grab his hand to keep it warm and noticed his arm. It had strange markings traveling along it in a fractal pattern. I took his hands in mine and did my best to warm them up.
Soon enough the ambulance arrived and rushed Tony to hospital. I rode with him in the ambulance, clutching his hand all the way as paramedics surrounded him. I felt worse and worse about last night, the closer we got to the hospital.
A/N: so if you weren't sure the fractal scarring on Tony's arm I described would've occurred because that's where the Lightning hit when it was conducted from the umbrella and this is an actual thing that happens after being struck by lightning. Also, thank you so much for helping me get to 1k reads on the love project. Anyway, thanks for reading this short little update and I hope you enjoyed.

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