Chapter 24

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Mike and I stepped out of the theatre and onto the deserted street, aside the few other audience members filing out along with us. Mike was smiling big, his eyes bright and so was I.
The second we emerged into the crisp night air, I wrapped my arms around his neck and nestled my head under his chin.
"I feel amazing, Tony," he said. When I tilted my chin to look up at him, he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose, my cheeks and my jaw.
I giggled softly and hugged him closer.
By now it was just us stood on an empty street at fourteen minutes past midnight, in complete silence, enjoying each other's company.
Suddenly, Mike broke the silence.
"Oh my God, Tone, we have to go to our tree," he practically shouted excitedly.
"At midnight?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder and snuggling further into him.
"Yes!" He insisted.
"Tony, come on you want to come to the tree with me it's going to be amazing and what if years from now we tell the story of our first date? Do you want it to be that we went to see a play then went home and got a good night of sleep? No it has to be wild and romantic and the best night of our lives," he whispered, holding my face in both hands and leaning in so that I could feel his warm breath against my lips.
There was no way I could say no, so I smiled and nodded and grabbed his hand leading him down the road, towards the tree.
"So you think about is telling this story years from now?" I asked, a smirk making its way onto my face as I saw the adorable blush creeping across Mike's cheeks.
"Well...yeah," he trailed off shyly, biting his lower lip and playing with my fingers on the hand he was holding. I smiled and leant over kissing his jaw.
We began to climb the hill, surrounded only by the sky. I think that was one of the main reasons I had fallen so in love with the tree. As you sat in the topmost branches, it was just you and the sky. And the sky seemed vaster and closer than it ever had done.
When we reached the tree, Mike sat with his back against the bark, pulling me to sit with my back resting against his chest. He wound his arms around my middle and played with my hair as we talked. I felt completely relaxed and happy in that moment and I desperately wanted it to last forever. I knotted together our fingers as he spoke and traced patterns on my finger to relax him. He started laughing and I felt the gasps of air fall against my skin, causing goose bumps to appear along my neck.
"Tony, that tickles," he laughed.
"You're really adorable you know," I spoke.
"I love you, Tony," he whispered, kissing a line down the back of my neck.
"I love you too, Mike," I responded, smiling.
Time seemed to stop whenever I was with him and I could scarcely believe I had finally got to tell him I loved him, after years of wishing he was mine, he finally was.
A/N: so I tried to make this cute and hopefully you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and all your support. Please feel free to comment because I read them all and they absolutely make my day. 😊💕

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