Chapter 21

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When I woke in the morning, I was shocked to feel an arm around my waist. I had a pounding headache and groaned softly as I rolled over to face the person, my gaze following from their hand on my hip, up there arm and to his face. I saw it was Tony, with his eyes shut and slow peaceful breaths escaping his lips. I had to admit he looked adorable and I was definitely beginning to fall for him. Just then, his eyes flickered open, revealing deep brown orbs. He blushed a bright pink across the tops of his cheeks when he saw me looking at him.
"Morning," he whispered, stifling a yawn.
"Morning, Tone," I smiled, snuggling into the warm sheets.
"Do you remember any of last night?" He mumbled a slight spark of hope present in his eyes.
I tried to concentrate on last night, but my mind was foggy. I was aware of his sweet, warm breath against my neck and I desperately wanted to remember to expand that spark of hope in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Tone, but I don't," I spoke, feeling guilt as the spark faded from his eyes.
"Oh," he responded disappointedly, averting his gaze.
"Can you tell me, Tone?" I asked, tilting his chin up with my finger and smiling at him.
"Okay," he nodded taking a deep breath. I gave him a reassuring smile, waiting for him to begin and feeling a little apprehensive about what he might say.
"Well, I found you on the curb outside your house and you said you...l-loved me a-and...I said it back and then you asked me on a date...a-and I said y-yes," he stuttered, tears brimming in his beautiful eyes.
"Oh," I responded.
We were both silent for a while.
"So you wanna still go on that date?" I asked, pulling him closer by the waist.
"Really?" He said smiling an adorable smile.
I nodded smiling back, he bit his lip hiding his face in my chest.
"Hey, don't hide, so is that a yes then?" I asked, brushing a stand of hair back behind his ear as he looked up from my chest.
He nodded beaming, making me grin back. I leant down and kissed the tip of his nose.
"You missed," he laughed, leaning up and kissing my lips.
A/N: short update again but I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading and I will update again tomorrow in Tony's point of view. Thank for all your support and feel free to leave comments.

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