Chapter 9

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I could hear the now distant cheers from the stadium as I began to walk across the car park, it was still raining hard and I was shivering all over. Small sobs caught in my throat as I let the tears flow. I hated that I cried this much because tears feel pathetic like a sign of defeat. As I got onto the road where I lived, I broke out into a sprint. I ran past my house and began scaling the hill behind it. My feet kept slipping on the wet grass and my lungs burned from a combination of crying and running.
When I finally reached our tree, I sank down to a sitting position, leaning my back up  against the smooth bark surface. Just then, I noticed someone coming up the hill, carrying an umbrella. As they got closer, I recognised it was Mike. I stood up as he neared the tree.
"Tony?" He said softly, standing in front of me.
"H-how did you know I'd be here?" I hiccuped, desperately trying not to cry in front of him.
"Well, you weren't home and I had a feeling you'd be up here," Mike explained.
He stood closer to me so that I could share the shelter of the somewhat small umbrella.
"What is it, Tone? You can tell me," he spoke softly, wiping away my tears with his thumb and tilting my chin up so I would look into his deep brown eyes.
"I don't know really. It was kind of Jaime because of the way he always acts towards me, but mostly I just wanted to be alone, I guess," I elaborated.
"Jaime doesn't mean it to be hurtful, that's just how he is," Mike responded.
"Mike, he means it, okay? He hates me for no reason and I'm tired of him constantly upsetting me," I replied, a little angrily.
"Well if you don't like being upset, don't let it upset you," Mike retorted, frowning at me. I hated when he did this it make me feel as though I was six inches tall. I flinched away as he spoke and I think he saw this and felt guilty.
"Look, Tony, I'm sorry but I can't do anything about it," he said calmer.
"I understand I just wish you'd stand up for me for once," I whispered back.
"Goodbye, Tony," he frowned once more, handing me the umbrella and striding away, within a few minutes he was gone from sight, leaving me alone on the hill, surrounded by darkness and the soft dripping sound of the rain. The sound of the rain began to intensify, get louder and louder until it crescendoed into the low rumbling of thunder and eventually bolts of lightning.
I shivered and watched the storm grow around me, clutching the metal handle of the umbrella tight. I was too nervous to leave this spot and go home.
Suddenly, the wind tugged at the umbrella as though to snatch it from my hold. I fought with the wind pulling it back down, but the gale tugged and tugged, giving one last yank which succeeded in whisking me off my feet. For a single moment, I was suspended a little way off the ground clutching my umbrella still. Then I saw a bright white bolt of light crack through the sky, splitting the clouds in two.
I felt the most excruciating pain imaginable shoot through my arm and course throughout the rest of my body. I let a scream of agony as bright white blinding light clouded my vision, leaving a flat ringing sound in my ears.
A/N: I hope you liked this, I worked really hard on it. If you haven't already please go and check out my other perrentes the love project it is on my profile. We are really close to 1k reads on that and I was hoping to reach that goal by the weekend because that is my birthday. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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