Chapter 8

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As we arrived at the football stadium, we met Vic by the entrance and he and Kellin immediately starting chatting excitedly to each other, whilst we made our way to our seats. We sat down and I noticed Mike sitting on the row in front of us a few seats along. He had his arm around a girl, causing me to feel a stab of hurt. I shrugged it off and gave him a small shy wave, blushing as he smiled back at me. I put my hand down, the sleeve of his sweater covering it and wished I was in the place of the girl in his arms, as she snuggled into his side and he smiled down at her with a look of love. I wished more than anything that he would look at me like that.
But I knew he wouldn't.
Just then, Mike and Vic's cousin Nick came over to us.
"Hey guys, how've you been?" Nick greeted.
Vic stood up and gave him a hug.
"Good, thanks. Nick, this is Kellin and I bet you remember Tony," Vic spoke cheerfully.
Kellin stood up and shook hands with Nick, causing me to stand up to do the same, but Nick pulled me into a hug.
"Tony, oh my God, it's been years. I remember playing with you and Mike when we were kids," he smiled.
I smiled at the memories of playing with Mike and Nick since we were still in kindergarten. It was so simple and carefree and happy.
"Yeah, I remember that too. We should catch up sometime," I suggested.
"Definitely, but I have to go now. Wait I almost forgot, Mike said you were gonna be here so I got you this," Nick told me, handing me a black snapback with a little turtle on the brim.
"I remembered you had one just like it growing up," Nick said, smiling fondly.
"It was just like this, thank you so much, Nick," I smiled, before he said goodbye and hurried off to get ready for the game. I positioned it backwards on my head, smoothing down my hair.
Kellin and Vic were caught up in conversation and I couldn't help but notice Kellin glancing at Vic longingly.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink," I stated, giving Kellin a pointed look.
"Do it, Kell," I whispered to him as I got up to go to the drinks stand.
He knew I was talking about how he promised to kiss Vic. I knew it would make both of them really happy.
I went down the stairs to where the drink stand was. As I got into the queue, I looked back up at Kellin and Vic. I watched as they spoke for a while and then as Kellin wrapped his arms around Vic's neck and kissed him softly, before they pulled away smiling.
I paid for my drink and returned to my seat to find an excited Kellin and Vic.
"Hey Tony, guess what? I kissed Vic," he giggled excitedly and I noticed their hands intwined together. Vic chuckled looking down at Kellin lovingly.
"That's great, buddy," I laughed, causing him to nod enthusiastically. Small droplets of rain began to fall, slowly turning to large drops and falling faster, but no one seemed deterred.
I glanced a row down at Mike and noticed a bunch of his friends, including Jaime. Mike happened to look up at me and gave me a quick smile. Jaime followed Mike's gaze and his harsh eyes locked on mine, causing me to hurriedly avert my eyes to the floor.
"Why is that loser here with your brother?" He asked Mike, laughing and gesturing behind himself at me. Just then, the referee blew the whistle, commencing the game and causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.
"What?" Is all I heard Mike say before I felt this overwhelming need to leave the stadium.
It wasn't just Jaime, it was everything. Everyone seemed so happy and I wanted to enjoy it, but I wasn't happy.
"Guys, I'll catch you later. I think I'm gonna stay at home tonight, I'm just not feeling myself," I choked out, hurriedly getting up to leave.
"Tone?" Kellin asked.
"Kellin, don't worry, I'm fine," I reassured him, suppressing tears. "Have a nice time with Vic,"
I suddenly felt Mike's gaze on me and looked down to meet his chocolate eyes, before turning and practically running out of the stadium, the now pouring rain beginning to soak Mike's sweater.

Waiting for Mike (perrentes)✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن