Chapter 20

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A few days after this had happened, I had gone for a walk around the block to clear my mind. As much as I tried, I couldn't remove Mike from my mind. Most of all, I didn't want to; I would still love him no matter what.
As I walked back up the street leading to my house, I gazed up at the clouds. It was one of those strange weather days where it didn't rain but the clouds were just there. I turned the corner onto our street and noticed something strange outside Mike's house. There was a small, hunched over silhouette. The silhouette rose a bottle and drank from it. As I neared them, smaller details became clearer and clearer. Then I realised it was Mike, with a whiskey bottle and shiny tears running down his face. My heart shattered at seeing this and I jogged the short distance over to his side.
"Mikey," I called softly, when I was standing around a meter away. He looked up, seeming frightened.
"It's okay, it's just me, Tony," I assured him, coming to sit next to him.
"Tony, I missed you," he said loudly, throwing his arms around me in a lazy hug.
"I missed you too, Mike," I giggled before attempting to take the whiskey bottle from him. He snatched it back childishly, pulling away.
"Mikey, give me the bottle, please," I said calmly, putting out my hand. He took another gulp then handed it to me. I screwed the lid back on tight and put it away in my backpack.
"Hey, Tony, we're like the tramps in waiting for Godot, sitting at the side of the road," he said, fascinated.
"You remember that?" I smiled a little surprised.
He nodded enthusiastically before flopping back on the pavement and laying down.
"Mike, what are you doing?" I giggled.
"Shhhhhh-I'm sleepy," he pronounced, closing his eyes.
"Okay, Mike, I'll take you inside and you can sleep," I told him, preparing to pick him up.
"Tony your the best your so nice I love you," he yelled, causing me to feel bittersweetly happy because he said he loved me but probably wouldn't remember tomorrow.
"I love you too, Mikey," I told him with a smile figuring.
He sat up with wide eyes.
"You wanna go on a date?" He asked sincerely.
"Sure, but right now you need to sleep," I told him, offering a hand to help him up.
"Yesssss, I just got a date with Tony," he yelled super loud. I clapped a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't wake people up. He shrugged it off and threw himself at me, hugging me tight and nuzzling into the crook of my neck. I awed at him and kissed his jaw before pulling away. He smiled big at me, before grabbing my hand and leading me toward the house.
Once in his bedroom, he flopped on the unmade bed. I chuckled and gently pulled the covers over him so he wouldn't be cold. Just as I was about to leave he started making grabby hands for me from the bed and sobbing for me to stay. I climbed in beside him and cuddled him close savouring the way it felt.
A/N: sorry for no updates this week but thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I love reading any comments you guys leave so feel free to because it makes my day.

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