Chapter 14

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After school the next day, Mike came back to the hospital. I could still barely move, but I managed a small smile as he can into the room.
"Hey," he said softly, even just the sound of his voice calming me as he sat on the edge of the hospital bed.
He held me in his arms for a while, improving my mood already.
Mike sat back, pulling out a backpack and unzipping it.
"Because you're still feeling so sick I brought you some of your clothes from home, a bunch of movies and some snacks because I bet hospital food is disgusting," he told me, producing the items and laughing a little.
"Thanks, Mike, you're the best," I beamed.
Mike helped me sit up, propping me up with pillows, before climbing in beside me and snuggling under the covers to watch a movie. We watched Harry Potter movies all night, laughing and talking about anything.
By around the fith movie, Mike was fast asleep against my side, causing me to smile and blush. He shifted around in his sleep to get more comfortable, draping an arm around my waist and resting his face in the crook of my neck. I got the same flipping feeling in my stomach as I looked at him.
"I love you, Mike," I whispered quietly so he wouldn't here. I bent down and kissed his hair, running my hands through it and wishing more than ever that he loved me back.
In the morning, I awoke to the sounds of voices near to me. The first I recognised to be Mike's and I gave a small smile at the fact he was still here. The second voice I didn't recognise, I opened my eyes to see who it was.
On the hard plastic chairs beside my bed sat Mike with his arm around the girl from the football game. My heart sank a little, but I he looked so happy that I smiled a little also. Just then, Mike noticed I had woken up and shot me a beautiful smile that gave me shivers.
"Good morning, Tone, I just stopped by before school to say I hope you have a good day and I brought you breakfast," Mike told me, setting a food container on the hospital nightstand.
"Thank you," I smiled softly, stifling a yawn and moving my hair out of my eyes.
The girl took hold of Mike's arm and announced they were going to be late, pulling his attention back to her. Mike nodded in agreement saying goodbye to me and leaving the room.
This went on for around two weeks, arriving every morning before school and every evening after school. It was great; I was slowly getting the feeling back in my arms and torso and when I was with Mike I could forget the pain. My favourite parts of the day was when Mike arrived and left because he would always hug me and it made me feel better.
A/N: thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave a comment

Waiting for Mike (perrentes)✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن